"Those monsters..." Eunjung began. "They were Goblins right?"

Executive Lee nodded to her "yes they were. Goblins are weak monsters only being around E-Rank. They usually roam E to B rank dungeons...so as a B-Rank hunter we should be fine as long as we don't run into anything too dangerous." he spoke before looking back out to the tunnel. "Though we need to be careful, if there is one Goblin more tend to follow."

Eunjung nodded to him, listening to every word he said. Executive Lee was an experienced hunter, so it only made sense to listen to his advice in situations like this. "What's our plan, Executive Lee?"

Executive Lee sighed in thought, placing his sword in the ground. "To wait for backup and hopefully escape with our lives." He spoke, a somberness to his words. He was right though and Eunjung knew it. There was only so much one B-Rank and a bunch of civilians would be able to do in a dungeon. So, hiding away and waiting was their best bet. "Oh and also." he began looking at the black haired girl. "Don't call me Executive Lee in a dungeon, call me by my hunter name: Hunter Paladin."

Eunjung nodded to him, understanding what he was saying. All hunters have a name they only use in dungeons or when interacting with the hunter world: their hunter name. Hunter names allow for ease of communication between hunters when in dungeons, similar to field names in the military.

Out of nowhere Eunjung felt a pull on her shoulder. Out of fear and reaction she let out a small yelp, thinking one of the goblins had found the two of them. However, when she turned around she was greeted by the sight of blonde hair.

"Eun!" Cried Lexi, pulling Eunjung into a hug and crying into her shoulder.

Eunjung hugged her best friend tight, nearly squeezing the blonde girl half to death. "Lex! I was so scared you..." she muttered off into silence, the thoughts making Eunjung just cry more.

"Both of you, be quiet." Hunter Paladin said with sharp words, pushing the two girls apart. "This is not the time for that, if you keep making noise they will find us."

He was right on that note. The goblins, while being fewer in number in order to search the rest of the dungeon, there were a few stragglers wandering around by their cavern and it would only take one altering the tribe to get them all killed. Eunjung and Lexi nodded to Lee, understanding what he meant in that moment. Lee after a few moments let out a sigh, a glare forming at the both of them.

"You can't make noise like that unless you want to get us all killed." He growled, making the two girls lower their heads. Yet, he then groaned and formed a smile on his face, patting Lexi on the shoulder. "It's good to see you are safe, Lexi."

"AHHH!" went a human, screaming.

Eunjung's spine raddled hearing it, knowing what had just happened. The goblins had found a victim. She gulped down saliva, her throat running dry from it. Lexi held on tight to Eunjung, hiding behind her. Yet, on the other hand, Lee stood there calming himself, before taking off saying: "come on, lets go."

"W-What?" Eunjung stuttered, stumbling after Lee with Lexi on her tail.

"I'm a Hunter Eunjung, it is my job to protect innocents." He stated.

Eunjung knew that, it was the first part of the Hunter Association Hand-Book after all. "All hunters must do their utmost to protect civilians involved with dungeons and dungeon outbreaks." Eunjung had remembered reading that exact rule while doing research about hunters. Yet, she never took Lee as the type to follow those rules. He was stuck up and stubborn, using his status as a hunter to brag and gain status. She never once took him as the noble type...guess she had been wrong on that front.

Gates: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now