-You have to chose.

-Why should I? I want none of them.

-I really like both.

-Why are you even asking me? You never listen to me anyway."

Ephraim raised a hand to his heart, pretending to be surprised:

"I always listen to my dear wife."

I thought I would punch him:

"I have no idea who you are talking about because I am not your wife!"

Ephraim smiled:

"I really like chatting with you.

-You think that we are chatting lightheartedly right now?

-What else are we possibly doing?

-You are pissing me off.

-Why is that, Love?"

I saw red, I really thought that I would hit him but I remembered at the last second that the kitten was still in my arms. I immediately calmed down and started stocking him. I finally forgot about Ephraim but he still had to come in and ruin everything:

"You haven't thanked me for the gift yet."

I pinched my lips and decided to ignore him. However, it seemed Ephraim didn't like it:

"Should I take it back?

-You can't! You said he was mine.

-Then what about this? Instead of thanking me, you could call me husband from now on. You should get used to that word."

That was out of the question. I smiled:

"Thank you for the gift, Mister Dupree."

Ephraim shrugged:

"At least I tried."

I had never been happier to hear someone knock before. I rushed to open so fast that I completely forgot about my hurting ankle. I didn't reach the door however because arms surrounded me and steadied me in place. I looked down, confused.

"Where is my dear wife rushing so happily?"

I looked up to see a frowning Ephraim. He was very scary when he frowned but I by far preferred to see him scary than happy. He was just annoying when he looked happy.

"To open the door.

-With your bad ankle?

-It doesn't hurt that bad."

I shouldn't have said that.

"Really? If my dear wife is all better, then you should maybe start exercising with me from now on. We wouldn't want you to get hurt so easily again.


I pinched my lips. This was bad on so many levels. I hated exercising for one. And I hated Ephraim even more. Therefore exercising with him would be literal torture. My ankle did get better but it still wasn't completely healed. As soon as it was, I would disappear from this place. I couldn't get hurt even more while exercising.

"I... Now that you mention it. My ankle hurts really bad. I just didn't feel it because of the adrenaline.

-Is my wife that relieved at the idea of not having to spend more time with me?


His frown got worse.

"How could my wife be so mean?

-Mean? Says the one who almost killed a kitten as if it was nothing. And stop talking about me in third person. That's weird."

We heard the knock again and Ephraim sighed.

"Come in."

He didn't even look at his knight and lifted me bridal style before carrying me back to my bed. I was so surprised that I didn't dare move a muscle. Ephraim put me down and finally turned to his knight:


After a few words from his man, Ephraim turned back towards me, his frown completely gone:

"I am sorry dear wife.

-I am not your wife.

-It seems I have to go. But don't worry, I'll be back for dinner.

-That's precisely what I'm worried about

-I'll miss you, darling.

-Could you fall off your horse on the way and die?"

Ephraim laughed:

"You really are the funniest person I know."

And just like that he was gone. He disappeared in a second but I still had time to see his face turn cold as he turned towards the door. All his façade disappeared in a microsecond and I flinched. He was so irritating that I forgot about who he really was for a second.

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