Chapter XIV

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(Trigger Warning: Abuse and self harm)

After a few hours, (Y/N) woke up and was wrapped in a heavy blanket. Her eyes opened and she saw blonde hair sticking out of the blanket, making her body freeze for a moment. Then, the memories from the early morning quickly returned. Lucifer had decided to stay with (Y/N) to make sure she was doing okay. He had started to feel pity for the girl and also wanted to make up for all the times he had been a jerk to her because he made assumptions. In his mind he had tried to be a good father and help out one of his daughter's friends, but it ended up with the Sinner girl laying under him as he fell asleep. It had been so long since Lucifer had slept with someone beside him, that his sleeping body had started laying on top of her. Of course he had only wanted to stay until (Y/N) was asleep, but in reality, he was the one who fell asleep first.

(Y/N) didn't move, she didn't want to wake the fallen angel up and his weight on her, combined with his soft breathing was just adorable. The young woman closed her eyes again, feeling Lucifers head resting on her stomach, his leg swung over hers and an arm of his grabbing her waist in his sleep, as if she was a pillow. His hair was disheveled, and he had the Sinner in a tight grip as he began to stir as well. (Y/N) quickly closed her eyes again.

Lucifer raised his head, his eyes barely open. Wow, he slept well this night. The pillow underneath him had been so comfortable and warm and he considered just laying back down. When he opened one eye to pry for his clock and he saw (Y/N), he stopped dead in his tracks. Her eyes were closed, so she was probably still asleep. The king of hell contemplated what he should do now and decided it would be best to let her sleep in peace. What would his daughter think, if she found out? There was a tiny feeling of disgust in his stomach, after all, she was a Sinner, rotten to the core. But he had also seen a side of her that seemed so much more... genuine. He frowned and was about to climb off the small Sinner woman, when she opened her eyes slightly.

"You're not leaving now, are you?", the girl asked in a sleepy voice, holding onto his wrist softly. A tired chuckle escaped Lucifer as he tried to regain his composure and play the situation down. "No, no- I- no worries.", he replied and still sat up, scooting away slightly to keep himself from touching her accidentally. For seven years he had been sleeping alone every night, woke up alone every day. This new situation was scary. As he looked down at his hands and saw his ring on his finger, he felt guilty. Technically, Lucifer was still married and now he had slept in the same bed with another woman. It made him feel disgusted by himself, even though he knew deep down that his wife wasn't gonna come back.

"I... I need to leave now. Is that okay?", Lucifer asked (Y/N) and she hesitated for a moment before nodding. The king of hell grabbed his coat and top hat and opened a portal home. (Y/N) watched him silently as the portal disappeared with him in it and now that he left her alone, her thoughts starting to spiral again. Did she do something wrong? Maybe this had been too fast for him and (Y/N) had send the wrong messages. She sighed and laid back down, her eyes closing as she turned on her side to fall back asleep.

Sadly, that didn't work... (Y/N)s head was filled with thoughts, and she just couldn't stop overthinking. If she didn't do anything about it, she would hurt herself again. Maybe she should check up on Angel, after all, he took quite a hit yesterday from when she had accidentally dropped him. The short woman stood up from her bed. Luckily, she was still dressed from yesterday and she didn't care enough to change her clothes now. She only stepped into the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth and renew her braid. Afterwards, (Y/N) stepped outside her room, looking for Angels room. For some reason, she had never been there.

The Sinner had quickly found the spider demons room and knocked. The door was quickly opened by Angel, though he was dressed in a... weird... night gown. (Y/N) had to suppress a laugh when she was the fluffy and expensive looking night robe. "Ya need anything, toots?", Angel asked in a sleepy voice. Sure, it was 1pm already, but both of them had arrived merely hours ago. The spiders face looked somewhat good again, though there was still a bit of dried blood on his nose. "Just checking on you. Sorry for yesterday...", "Why ya sorry now?". He didn't seem to understand why the girl was apologizing to him and tilted his head sideways. "I... I dropped you on our way here." A chuckle escaped his lips, before he dramatically posed, putting a hand to his forehead. "Oh no, I got dropped. Whatever will I do now?", he played in an overly dramatic way, gaining a soft laugh from the young Sinner woman.

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