Chapter VII

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The next day was weird (Y/N) had gotten up and walked out of her room, her butt still stinging from yesterday. It had been no problem falling asleep once she had gotten to her room, but her chest had an unfamiliar feeling as she thought about what had actually happened. The white-haired woman wanted to be angry at Lucifer for how he had spanked her, but at the same time she had felt so safe and calm in his arms after he was done. She felt torn between being angry and ashamed from yesterday and feeling relief in some weird way. It was so confusing and embarassing that she just couldn't get herself to be truly Angry for what Lucifer did.

(Y/N) started looking for Charlie to apologize for yesterday, but she only found Angel and Husker. "Do you guys know where Charlie is?", "She just went out with Vaggie, but she should be back soon.", Husker replied and poured her a drink. Thinking about the last times she had drank alcohol, she politely denied, shaking her head. "Not drinking? What happened Toots?", Angel chuckled, making (Y/N)s face flush with embarrassment. She quickly looked away as she remembered how Lucifer put her over his knee yesterday. Angel started to laugh softly: "So something did happen. Wanna tell us?" The woman felt the need to reply and defend herself from the rumors that would start if she didnt. "It's just Every time I drank, I fucked up in some way and I see how much Charlie tries to make everything work. Maybe I should... uhm... Try to cut back my drinking, ya know??" The explanation seemed to be enough for the other two Sinners as the small woman had to climb up onto the too high bar stool.

"Ya know, its really a change that you dont try to grab a bottle of Whiskey as soon as you can. Youre supposed to enjoy that stuff, not chug it down like cheap booze.", the spider demon chuckled and pulled his chair closer to hers, grabbing the softer drink Husk had poured him. With a smile on her lips, (Y/N) laid her head on the counter and listened to the two of them playfully flirting. It was nice to watch and relax without being left alone with her thoughts. Meanwhile, Lucifer was looking around for his daughter as well, but he couldnt find her and walked through the hotel, passing the bar, where (Y/N), Husker and Angel Dust were sitting and seemingly drinking. His chest rumbled in annoyance when he saw (Y/N)s head lay on the counter as if she had too much to drink again. Maybe he shouldnt have wasted his time on her yesterday, she clearly didnt learn. Thats when he overheard Angel ask her: "Ya sure you dont want a tiny drink? I mean, I wont force ya, but I do like some good company while drinking" The little woman shook her head. "Maybe another time." Lucifer left without being noticed, a soft smile on his lips as he heard that she did try to better herself now.

About two hours passed until Charlie and Vaggie returned and (Y/N) quickly jumped off her bar stool before walking over to the princess of hell. "Charlie, I I wanted to apologize for what I said yesterday, I didnt mean to let my anger out on you. Im sorry.", "I'm- Thank you for apologizing, I know how hard it can be. Im not mad, I was just a bit shocked from your reaction." Charlie replied to the girl, opening her arms slightly. (Y/N) quickly stepped closer, hugging the taller woman, thankful for how easily she forgave her for her outburst yesterday. "Thank you" With a smile on her lips, Charlie patted the smaller womans head. She really did make some progress in the few days she had been here, and it gave Charlie hopes for the hotels future. "Charlie!!", Lucifers voice echoed through the parlor as he quickly walked up to her. (Y/N) turned her head to look at him, when she was suddenly pushed aside by her head by the king of hell. "Hey! I was just-" Lucifer bend down slightly making hand movements as if to shoo her away. "Pshh, ppshhh, you can go now." Without paying the Sinner any more attention, he turned back to Charlie, talking to her. (Y/N)s face flushed in shame as soon as she saw his face, the memories from yesterday making her take a step back as her heartbeat rose up slightly.

Her chest felt weird as the fallen angel was completely ignoring her right now, her blood pumping faster than before. Still, she was having a moment with Charlie when Lucifer had interrupted them, making her slightly annoyed. Why was he such a dick? Didn't he accept her apology yesterday? Or maybe his aftercare and gentleness were just to get her to calm down, so he could finally get her to leave. (Y/N)s heart ached as she thought that and turned away, walking back to the bar. Why did she care so much about Lucifer? After all, he had been a Jerk to her all the time. How could she be so naïve and think he would be nicer now? Pathetic. The Sinners fists clenched after she had climbed back onto her chair. But her chest was still so tight, despite telling herself that yesterday had just been him letting out his anger on her.

Barely 5 minutes later, Lucifer sat down next to (Y/N) at the bar, asking Husker for a drink before turning to the girl, asking: "Want a drink too?" His shit eating grin was making her so angry at the moment, but she swallowed her anger and pride. "No thanks." Lucifer chuckled. "Thought so, you wouldn't want yesterday to repeat itself, would you?" The king of hell kept teasing the woman while Angel and Husker were eavesdropping on their conversation. Blood shot to (Y/N)s cheeks as she was gonna give him a comeback, but she was too embarrassed to get out a single sound past her lips. She crossed her arms and turned away, her annoyance rising from his teasing. "What's wrong, little lady? Cat got your tongue? Or did you want to repeat yesterday's event?" This made (Y/N) blush harder, her heart beating faster. "Oh shut up, asshole...", the Sinner replied, her mind too panicked to defend herself.

But his comment stuck to her. Did she want yesterday's event with him to repeat itself? Sure, it was painful and embarrassing, but the aftermath felt... nice? It was a different kind of comfort, nothing like the way Angel had comforted her. (Y/N) didn't know what to do right now, but it was clear that yesterday had resulted in her seeing Lucifer in a different light. In his eyes, she had fucked up many times already and now that she seemed to actually try to better herself, he decided to make things a bit more interesting. And what would be more fun than teasing someone you don't like too much? That's right, being nice to them and resolving the conflict. But that wasn't his style. "Awww, are you a little masochist?"- "I said shut it!" (Y/N) raised her voice slightly, fed up with his teasing. Lucifer kept his grin on his face. "What are you gonna do if I don't?" That startled the girl as she tried to think of a quick comeback. "Then I'll- I'll- I will kick your butt!" A chuckle escaped Lucifers wide smirk. "Oh yeah? The little lady wants to kick my butt? Can you even kick that high?"- "Bend over and find out...", (Y/N) muttered as she looked into his eyes, hers full of anger, annoyance and embarrassment.



This Chapter is a bit shorter again, but Moon isn't home this weekend and can't write that much. If she doesn't find the time, the next chapter will be out by sunday. We don't want you guys to wait too long. Until then, comments and criticism are always welcome! :)

Art: Moon

Writing: Moon

Inspiration: Fawn

Simp: Us both

Wordcount: 1341

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