Chapter XII

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The next day, (Y/N) finally left her room again to interact with other people, after spending the night with her thoughts surrounding Lucifer as she kept going what she had started in the shower. She walked down the corridors towards the parlor, when Angel dust had just walked out of the kitchen and immediately noticed his smaller friend. "(Y/N)! Where the fuck have ya been? Charlie and I got really worried, what happened?" He immediately scooped her up and held her in front of him, making her freeze in surprise for a moment. She really was short, especially in comparison to Angel. He was almost double her height and the woman looked down, feeling taller than ever before, now that she was held on Angel Dusts eye height. "I needed some time to reflect, don't worry. I- uhm... I'm sorry for not telling you guys.", "Toots, ya gotta tell someone next time, Charlie is worried sick about ya.", Angel replied and let the small Sinner down again. Once her feet touched the ground again, she sighed and looked around. "I know... I'm gonna apologize to Charlie. Where is she?", "Last I saw, she was talking to her Daddy." Oh great. He was the last person (Y/N) wanted to see face to face right now, but she knew she had to apologize as soon as possible. "I'll be back." The small woman looked around the many corridors of the hotel, until she finally found the two of them talking on a balcony. They seemed... Tense. (Y/N) decided not to interrupted and rather listened into their conversation.

"I know that this wasn't your fault, and it was Adam who broke the contract by attacking a hell born, but... I don't think heaven will just let this go, sweetheart. Their revenge will be merciless."- "But we are having a meeting with them soon to explain what happened. We can still resolve this without any more violence and bloodshed!", Charlie's voice beamed, always so positive and naïve. "I just hope you're right... If not, most of hell won't survive the next extermination..." Lucifers voice caused a shiver down (Y/N)s spine. She clearly remembered the things she had imagined about him when she had showered, and she felt embarrassed. Still, she decided to finally walk up to them. "Uhm... Charlie? I wanted to apologize for not telling you what I was up to. I just needed time to reflect on myself and to be alone." Charlie and Lucifer quickly turned to the Sinner and the small woman immediately felt her cheeks heat up as she saw Lucifers surprised face. "It's alright! We can redo the trust exercises later! If you're up for that, of course" The princess chuckled nervously and (Y/N) could see the judging glare in Lucifers eyes. "Absolutely, I missed those." His eyes softened again, and his focus was back on Charlie as both of them stepped into the corridor.

"Well, I gotta go now. I'll be back tomorrow morning, got important stuff to do, ya know Sweety.", Lucifer spoke and opened a portal to an unfamiliar place, probably his home. "I'll see you tomorrow, dad". (Y/N) only nodded as a goodbye and walked back to the bar together with Charlie. The Sinner still felt guilty from her unholy thoughts about her friend's dad. And he must have a wife as well, so there was no way (Y/N) would have the fraction of a chance with him. "(Y/N)?", "Hm?" Charlie took a moment to take a breath. "I'm sorry for whatever my father did wrong when you danced with him. I... I thought it would be a fun activity, but after that you only drank more and locked yourself in your room. Did he say something bad? I know my dad... doesn't really like Sinners." So that was the reason why he was so easily angry at her. Lucifer must have seen all her drinking as the reason she was here and only saw the decadence and must have thought she was rotten to the core. "No, don't worry. Your dad didn't say anything wrong, I just felt embarrassed for falling and left, no worries. I... Can I be honest with you Charlie?" The princess looked down to the Sinner, her eyes sparkling up. "Yes! Yes, of course!"

"I'm so glad that you give... Scum like me a chance and a safe place. If I had known about a place like this sooner, maybe I wouldn't have started drinking. You are so kind and always give me new chances and I feel like... I feel like I don't deserve that kindness. Thank you." (Y/N) smiled up at her, her eyes full of gratitude and sadness at the same time. "Hey, it's alright. Of course I'll help Sinners! You are my people! Of course, I wish that more Sinners saw this place as an opportunity for themselves, but I am glad that at least you have found this as a safe place. Just answer me one tiny little question. I thought you came to hell because of your drinking. Would you... Mind telling me how you really died?" The Sinner kind of knew that this question would come, so she braced herself and her gaze fell back on the floor. "I... I died when I was 22 because I... I killed myself." She quickly crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked away. The only person who she had told this was Angel Dust and even though Charlie was always kind and helpful, (Y/N) feared her reaction. "Oh gosh, (Y/N), I- I would have never thought- Come here..." Charlie opened her arms for the small woman and hugged her close. "I won't judge you for that. I'm so sorry that happened to you..."

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