Chapter IV

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(Trigger Warning: Self Harm)

It took a while before the painkillers started to work, but once they did, (Y/N) finally got up, her gaze fell down on her wrists the holes were really noticeable in her opinion and she felt a dread over her, once she thought back to her life. Did her friends miss her? She had left them behind. Even though (Y/N) couldnt remember the day she had died, the holes in her sickly thin wrists were proof that she had killed herself. But what had triggered that? Had she broken up with her boyfriend? Did something happen to one of her two best friends? No matter how hard the 22-year-old tried, she just couldnt remember. Her thoughts were spiraling down again, and she closed her eyes, pulling on her hair slightly. Would she still have done it, if she had known she was gonna go to hell for killing herself? Had her body already been found? It had been 6 months already after all, or did time work differently here in hell? Did people miss her? Did they even care? The Sinner grabbed into her pocket, flinching when she unintentionally cut herself, pulling out her razor blade as her finger was bleeding slightly. She had realized a week after coming to hell that she healed very fast and after a job or two, she had overheard that Sinners couldnt die and simply regenerated themselves. With reckless strength, (Y/N) cut deep into her forearm, the blood trickling down fast. Zoning out, she didnt realize how much she was bleeding and just mindlessly stared at her bloody arm. When she finally snapped out of it, there was a bit of blood on the dark floor and the wounds already started to heal very slowly, stopping the bleeding.

"Fuck, I need a distraction" (Y/N) mumbled, trying to not give into the temptation to hurt herself more. Sure, the sight of her own blood was breathtaking and mesmerizing, but she had also been here for less than a day. It was worth trying to redeem herself and maybe get away from those behaviors. After her sleeves were pulled down to her wrists, (Y/N) walked out of her room and down to the parlor, where she had been introduced to everyone the night before. To her surprise, Charlie seemed to be preparing some sort of group activity. It seemed a bit weird, but since Charlie was so excited about it, (Y/N) just smiled and stepped over to her, only now noticing Vaggie standing beside Charlie and smiling at the princess of hell. As soon as Charlie had noticed their newest guest, she rushed over to her, asking question after question. "How was your first night here, (Y/N)? Do you feel better than yesterday? Do you need anything or have any questions? Do you-", she stopped mid-sentence. "Sorry about that, I just tend to get so excited and accidentally pushed your... uhm- boundaries. Was I too fast?" Her eyes were full of kindness and worry as she looked down to the smaller demon who started to smile softly, stating that its fine and that she had slept better than ever before, ever since she came to hell. Charlie started to smile again, the worry vanishing from her eyes. Lucifers daughter felt relieved and calmed down again. After all, she didnt want to scare off their only new guest.

After maybe 10 more minutes, Angel and Husker had arrived as they seemed to be playfully flirting, though you could never be sure with Angel and his normal flirty attitude. (Y/N) cracked a smile as she was sitting on the couch and Charlie seemingly just finished whatever she was doing on the corkboard. As soon as she turned it around, it was very visible that they would do a few games to get to know one another, mostly for their newcomer. All of them, that means Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Nifty and Husker sat down in a circle together with (Y/N). "Alright everyone, lets start with our most important activity today!", Charlie spoke, her voice full of determination.

"I want all of you to introduce yourselves by saying your name, something you like, something you dislike and what you want to work on in this hotel.", the princess explained and pointed over to the list on a paper on the corkboard. Nifty eagerly started: "Im Nifty! I like killing roaches! And little bugs! Its even better when I can kill the mother roaches in front of their children before slowly tearing them limb from limb.", Niftys eyes were wide open and she cackled, everyone looking at her with a bit of shock, because she looked so tiny and cute, and it was in a heavy contrast to her demeanor. "Aaaanyways. Vaggie, why dont you continue?" Charlie quickly said, looking slightly uncomfortable by the brutal power fantasies of the housemaid of the hotel. Everyone introduced themselves and (Y/N) tried her best to memorize as much as she could. Then, it was finally her turn. "Uhmm Im (Y/N). I like fuck uh" Her mind went black for a moment, but she knew she had to say something. "I like singing? I dont really like getting scared And I- I want to focus on..." Just what could she say there? That she wanted to stop cutting herself? Of course she did, but once she was in a bad state of mind again, she wouldnt be able to resist. Plus, she didnt want everyone to know about that problem about hers, so the Sinner said: "I want to focus on working on my... Uhm... Addiction to Alcohol" , With every word she said, she became more quiet and looked down into her lap.

"Great! Already opening so much, Im glad you feel safe enough to share that with us!" Charlie chirped with her usual excited voice. Only if she knew (Y/N) wished she could have just opened up completely, but those people around her were still strangers to her. Also, she had never really opened up to anyone back when she was living, though it ended in her killing herself at the young age of 22. But what was gonna happen here in hell? Kill herself? That wasnt possible, so she saw no problem in keeping everything to herself. (Y/N) smiled up at Charlie and the group was dismissed for now. The young woman did her best to stay away from Nifty, she seemed very emotional and unstable. Thats why she sat down at the bar, together with Angel while Husker walked behind the bar counter. The woman immediately grabs herself a shot and chugging it down, gaining a chuckle from Angel. "Ya know toots, its kinda ironic that ya talk about wanting to work on your alcohol addiction and immediately grab a drink. Didnt ya have enough yesterday? Saw Charlie and short king having to drag ya to your room" The spider said, leaning back and seemingly looking for a way to tease the woman. "Oh, shut up... It wasnt that bad, was it?" (Y/N) asked, feeling her cheeks heat up in embarrassment that she had been that drunk apparently.

"Yeah. Reminded me of myself when you couldnt really take a single step on your own.", Husker said, pouring Angel and himself a softer drink, his tone grumpy. (Y/N) sighed and crossed her arms before putting them onto the bar counter to rest her head on them. She had already made a terrible impression on them, and they probably thought of her as a cringe and clingy alcoholic. But wasnt that the truth? For the last 6 months she had filled herself up with alcohol at every tiny chance she got, all her pay from her crappy week jobs being spend on liquor. "Hey, brighten up, weve all been there at some point, toots", Angel spoke as he noticed that the young woman started overthinking, but she wasn't listening anymore. "Yeah I guess so I'm going to my room, dont call me for dinner, I- I already ate" (Y/N) spoke, climbing down from the chair to retrieve to her room to be alone again.

In the hallway, as she had turned the corner to her room, (Y/N) bumped into someone taller than her, which wasnt hard, because everyone other than Nifty was in fact taller than her. She stumbled backwards, but quickly regained her balance before she could fall as she looked up at Charlies dad. (Y/N) could somewhat remember that she had made a terrible impression on him as well last night. The girl was about to apologize when Lucifer suddenly spoke, clearly remembering how she had pissed him off last night and had insulted him. "Watch where youre going! We wouldn't want an accident, would we?" he said in a sadistic, teasing tone and bend down to be face to face with her. His annoyed grin and furrowed eyebrows made (Y/N) take another step back. Already in a bad mood, the Sinner bit her bottom lip to keep her temper. It wouldnt be the best idea to pick a fight with the king of hell and the father of the leader of this project, so (Y/N) just swallowed her pride and nodded before walking back to her room, back to indulging into her self destructive behaviours. Maybe it hadn't been the right decision to come here


We hoped you liked this chapter, Moon usually works on them from 11pm to 5am, so we apollogize for any spelling Errors :) Also, if you have any criticism, ideas or just like the Story, we would be happy to read your comment :D

Writing: Moon

Inspiration: Fawn

Simps: Us both

Wordcount: 1601

~Addiction~ Lucifer Morningstar X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ