Chapter X

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"I don't care what you think I can say or not. I don't want you here and you better not make me hurt you." (Y/N) spoke angrily and threatening, opening her bottle of liquor to calm herself. As she started taking a chug of the whiskey, she was grabbed by her throat. Her eyes opened wide in shock and the bottle fell to the floor, shattering in the process. "You think a tiny girl like you could hurt me? I don't think you know who it is you are talking to. You're lucky you're a resident here, or else I would have devoured you already.", Alastor hissed as he picked (Y/N) up by her neck, choking her. Bother her hands held onto his arm holding her up, but no matter how much she struggled, she couldn't escape his iron grip. The Demon grew in Size and his eyes turned from different shades of red to black with a red iris.

"Let me go...", "Can't do that, little lady. You see... You insulted me and I need to teach you some manners" With that, Alastor slammed her to the ground. (Y/N)s head was reeling. She did have some fights with other demons ever since she came to hell, but none of them had been as strong as Alastor. Her eyes widened and her heart was beating faster. As her back and head hit the floor a second time, (Y/N) cried out in pain, some of the glass shards piercing through her clothes and into her back. Fuck, this hurt. "So fragile and weak minded, it's a miracle you still own your Soul" Alastor's voice was filled with static and got creepier by the second.

"I know I can't tear you apart, but no one ever said anything against having a little fun..." Alastor grinned wider than what (Y/N) thought was possible as he picked her up by her throat again, throwing her against the side of her bed. "Do you still think you'd have even a crumble of a chance against me?" (Y/N) let out a yelp of pain, her back hitting the bed and causing the glass shards to dig deeper into her flesh. The cutting pain caused tears to dwell up in the woman's eyes, her body shaking in fear. "N-no- No! I'm- I'm sorry-" Alastor stood up straight, shrinking back to his original size, still much taller than the girl. "I'm glad we had this lovely conversation, little lady. I'm sure we'll see each other again." With that, the deer demon left, leaving her slouched against the side of her bed, her clothes in the back torn and slightly bloody.

A few drinks later, (Y/N) had mostly forgotten about that encounter with Alastor and was sitting at the bar together with Angel, Cherri, and Husker. The holes in her top were quickly hidden by a somewhat formal looking jacket. Husk kept the drinks coming and the world around (Y/N) became less prominent. Her mind was clouded by all the alcohol, and she was about to grab another one of the drinks on the counter, but someone's hand was already over it when she grabbed it. Lucifer was not very amused by the state she was in. If she kept going, it would make Charlie worry. The fallen angel felt like she might need a reminder of why she should hold back with the alcohol. But he had also promised his daughter to try and trust (Y/N) more. He grabbed her arm in a somewhat gentle way and leaned closer, his eyes showing the annoyance he was feeling towards her. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

(Y/N) climbed down her bar stool and followed Lucifer into one of the more deserted hallways Her steps were uncoordinated, and she had problems with walking in a straight line because of the alcohol. The only reason she was able to walk was because of his grip on her arm as Lucifer pulled the small Sinner along. They were in the same hallway as last time and Lucifer let go of her arm as he calmed himself down a bit. "You know, I feel like you forgot about what I told you. Don't you care about Charlie one bit? She believes in you and this cause and still you keep drinking like there is no tomorrow. I'll warn you this time, but this stops now. You know the consequences for being such a selfish brat and I won't hesitate to correct your behavior, if it means making you try to redeem yourself for Charlie."

The small woman leaning against the wall behind her was not as compliant as last time, the alcohol giving her more self esteem while taking away all of her common sense. She raised her voice slightly, the alcohol in her system making her do stupid decisions: "It's my decision if I want to drink or not and I don't need you as a baby sitter. As far as we know this whole redemption stuff doesn't even work, so why the fuck should I even try? You didn't seem to care about me for all my stay here, so why now? If you hate me, go ahead. But don't give me the feeling of comfort when all you are gonna do is look down on me again. Just-", "Have I not been clear? Did you really think I cared about you? I tried to be nice to you because of my daughter. But since all you seem to do is to use her, I don't see why I should give you chance after chance." Lucifers harsh reply mixed with his raised voice hit a little too close to home. (Y/N)s eyes watered slightly, but she quickly wiped her tears off. Did he really not care about her at all? Then why had he been so nice and caring to her after punishing her? The girl's voice was lowered again, and she looked down to his boots. "Yeah... Why do you give me all those chances? I- I don't understand how Charlie can still have so much faith in me...? I just don't get how anyone would still believe in a loser like me..."

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