Tristan: ... Magic? ...

(With a little hesitation the mysterious person then throws Elaine across the crowd and she falls down onto the field)

Elaine grunts in pain: aah!...

Tristan: Elaine!!!

(Meanwhile in the actual CAMELOT)

(Scene shows Sir Lancelot upfront leading his friends, the knights of the round table on their horses riding through the woods, scenery shows a lot of beautiness of the green mystical forest) 

Lancelot shouts: Hiyah!!

(As they continue to ride, the Knights passed by a stone platform, that's when Lancelot's horse stops)

Lancelot: Woah! Hold your horses lads! 

(The Knights stopped and was curious on what was happening. Lancelot notices that his horse was sensing something strange around, which is why they didn't want to continue riding)

Sir Galahad: What is the matter Sire?

Lancelot: That, I am unsure.... keep your guard up men! 

 (Sir Lancelot hops off his horse, then gave his horse a soft pat, and he went off to investigate. Lancelot continues to walk through  forest only to find more pathways deep within the forest) 

Lancelot shouts: Hm.... nothing? Knights, lets head on back! 

(Before Lancelot was about to leave, a shining light caught his attention, as if it was a gateway portal to another world... His hands reaches to touch the shining light, as he touched the light Lancelot felt his whole body getting sucked into the gateway portal. Lancelot tries remaining calm as possible, he  was struggling to try and break free) 

Lancelot shouts: Galahad! Gaiwan! Alert the King! 

Sir Galahad: Sire? Sir Lancelot? What did you say?!  

(Lancelot suddenly got sucked in and got shifted into a different world. Being cautious of his surrounding he slowly wakes up only to see was shocked to see people dressed in medieveal times era) 

(Lancelot looks around and realizes that he wasn't in the Camelot he knew anymore, Lancelot looks around confused to where he was, He then sees people running away and hearing loud clammoring)

(The mysterious walks closer, and is about to use his staff to attack Elaine)

(Elaine uses another item to block him from his attack. The mysterious person was impressed by her quick thinking skills)

(Elaine then kicks the person in the stomach, and she had the advantage to escape)

(Tristan quickly came down in the field, he signals Elaine to come over for safety)

(Elaine was tries to make a run for it, but the mysterious person used a magic lasso to catch Elaine by her arm. He starts to pull her closer)

Mysterious Person's mind: Fight Back...... 

(Elaine was struggling to try to break free)

(Lancelot suddenly arrives at the scene, he sees both the mysterious person and Elaine fighting on the field, he also notices the girl Elaine in trouble)

(Elaine tries to touch the lasso, but it stings her hands, she winces)

Elaine: Ow! I said Let Go!!

(Tristan sees a sword without any hesitation he grabs the sword and was about to run over to help Elaine, when Lancelot leaps over him)

Lancelot: Stand down young squire!

(Tristan stops surprised to see the Knight helping, Lancelot pulls out his sword then manages to cut the lasso apart, which made Elaine fall down)

(The mysterious person looked up and was surprised to see Lancelot, as if they seen each other's before...)

Lancelot: if you want the girl, you're going to have to get through me!

(Elaine looks up, only to see a knight and shining armor right in front of her)

Lancelot: Reveal yourself! 

(The mysterious person didn't respond back)

Lancelot: I said reveal yourself!

(The mysterious person then used some sort of magic powder to make himself disappear)

(Both Lancelot and Elaine looked confused, Lancelot then looks over to Elaine to see her injured)

Lancelot walks over to help Elaine: Are you alright, miss?

Elaine sighs in relief: I'm quite alright, really- 

Lancelot: Are you sure? Are you hurt? 

Elaine: Just a little on the wrist but sir but I'm really fine-

Lancelot: No, we must tend to your wounds right away. Just incase the conditions can get serious

(Elaine and Lancelot both started to make eye contact)

(Tristan quickly comes running over and hugs Elaine)

Tristan: Elaine! Thank goodness, Are you okay??

Elaine: Guys! I'm fine... Watch the arm and my wrist though.

Lancelot: Easy there lad

Tristan: Um, who was that person?

Elaine: I have no idea, let's just hope he's the least of our problem

Lancelot: Come young squire, let's help out your friend with the wounds 

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