At the park, Jaehwa scanned the area, his eyes searching for any sign of Jungkook or Y/n. He approached a group of Jungkook's friends who were playing basketball, hoping they had seen him.

"Hey, have you guys seen Jungkook?" Jaehwa asked, his voice urgent.

One of the friends shook his head. "No, we haven't seen him today."

Disheartened, Jaehwa continued his search, checking every corner of the park but finding no trace of his son or Y/n.

Meanwhile, Minjun arrived at Jungkook's office, flashing his badge to gain access. He spoke to Jungkook's colleagues, asking if they had seen him that day.

"Jungkook? No, I haven't seen him today," one of his colleagues replied.

After searching all the places they could think of, Jaehwa and Minjun regrouped at home, their expressions grim.

"We've checked everywhere, but there's no sign of them," Jaehwa said, his voice heavy with worry.

Minjun nodded, his jaw clenched in frustration. "We'll have to keep looking. They have to be somewhere."

As Jaehwa racked his brain for any other place Jungkook might have gone, a sudden realization struck him. "The bar," he exclaimed. "Jungkook often goes there to unwind. Maybe they went there last night."

Haneul and Mirae exchanged a glance, their expressions a mix of concern and frustration. "If they went there late at night and got drunk..." Mirae trailed off, anger simmering beneath her words.

"They should know better. They should be responsible."

Haneul nodded in agreement, her voice tinged with irritation. "They should be responsible young adults," she said, her tone firm.

Mirae nodded, her resolve firm. "They need to understand the consequences of their actions," she said, her voice firm. "We'll make sure they learn their lesson."

"They better have a good explanation for this," Haneul said, her voice sharp with anger. "I won't tolerate this kind of behavior."

"Okay, ladies.... Let's calm down, yeah? Our priority is finding out kids safe and sound. You can pull their ears later.", Jaehwa piped in, calming the 2 fuming ladies.

When they arrived, they rushed inside, scanning the crowded bar for any sign of their missing children. Jaehwa approached the bartender, asking if he had seen Jungkook or Y/n.

The bartender, very cunningly and innocently, shook his head. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen them today. Are they okay?"

Haneul and Mirae's anger gave way to concern as they realized their children were truly missing.

They spotted the manager, a friend of Jungkook's, standing near the entrance. They approached him, their expressions a mix of worry and frustration.

"Have you seen Jungkook?" Haneul asked, her voice tinged with concern.

The manager hesitated, exchanging a glance with Rim, a bartender standing beside him. Rim spoke up, "I saw Jungkook here last night. He was with a girl."

Haneul and Mirae exchanged a look, their worry deepening. "Where did they go?" Mirae inquired, her tone firm.

Rim pointed upstairs. "I saw them heading towards the private couples room," he revealed, his voice low.

As the manager confirmed Jungkook's presence in the couple's room upstairs, a surge of emotions swept through Haneul, Mirae, Jaehwa, and Minjun.

Disappointment and disgust mingled with a deep-seated angst, twisting their stomachs and clouding their thoughts.

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