Meet Beelzebub: The Demon Of Gluttony

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Quote: "Man, I'm Starving

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Quote: "Man, I'm Starving...When Is It Time To Eat?" - He Just Ate 20 Minutes Ago...

Meet Beelzebub, The Demon Lord Of Gluttony

• The Kindest Of The Seven Demon Princes

• Mostly Seen At All You Can Eat Buffets.

• He's A Sports Fan (Favorite Sport Is Football)

• Hell's Kitchen Is His Favorite Show.

• The Lord Of Flies

• The Other Seven Princes Hardly Have No Problems With Him...Despite His Eating Habits...

• He & Belphegor Are Best Friends.

• Don't Run Out Of Food When He's Around.



- Belphegor (Best Friend)

- Mammon (Good Friend)

- Asmodeus (Good Friend)

- Lucifer (Good Friend)

- Satan (Friend)

- Leviathan (Netural)

- Gabriel (Enemy)

- Solomon (???)


Sun & Moon

Beelzebub:....I'm starving. You got any food?

Belphegor: Sure. Here's some BBQ Chilli Dogs I've made earlier.

Beelzebub: OOOOOOOOOOOH~! 

Beelzebub quickly devoured the food while Belphegor sits next to him to play video games. Despite their differences. Both Beelzebub and Belphegor depend on each other a lot.

Beelzebub: You're the best, Belph. 

Belphegor: Anytime, Beel. 



Beelzebub is the demon lord of gluttony. Despite his raveous hunger and insatiable appetite. He's actually the kindest of the demon lords. He barely hurts a fly...

Mammon: Hey Beel.

Beelzebub: Yeah Mams?

Mammon: I don't get it. 

Beelzebub: Get What? 

Mammon: Being nice...You do realize this is Hell, right? I'm saying this for your own good. But if you keep being nice to random strangers. It could spell trouble for ya.

Lucifer: I have to agree with Mammon. Someone will sure enough think you're an easy target and take advantage of you.

Beelzebub just shrugged.

Beelzebub: It's all good dudes. But don't worry. Thanks for looking out for me, though.


Lucifer: (I do worry about him sometimes...)




Lucifer: Hmmm...What is it, Beelzebub?


Leviathan: Hugs? EWWW! 

Lucifer: Heh. How cute. I guess one little hug wouldn't hurt. 

Beelzebub: Yay~!

Mammon: I wouldn't mind a hug!

Asmodeus: Yay! Group hug!

Satan: Tsk. I don't want to do a group hug!

Leviathan: Yeah! Like anyone wants to see y'all ugly mugs!

Belphegor: Shut up, both of you, and take the stupid group hug! Be nice to Beel. 

Leviathan: Ugh...This is so gay...

They all group hugged Beelzebub.

Beelzebub: Yeah~! Thanks for the hug, dudes!

Belphegor: No problem Beel.



Leviathan: IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!


Leviathan: Shut Up! I don't need to do shit! I do want the fuck I want, Slut!

Asmodeus: GRRRRRRR!

Beelzebub: H-Hey Guys! Calm down! Why are you dudes screaming???

Belphegor: Oh. They ate your last bag of chips and trying to pin the blame on each other.

Asmodeus: HEY! YOU SNITCH!


Beelzebub transformed into his demon form and glared daggers at the other two.

Asmodeus: H-H-Hey! Calm down Beel!

Leviathan: L-L-Let's talk about this! 

Beelzebub: *Demonic* Since you guys ate my chips without permission. I'M GOING TO EAT BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!!!!


Belphegor blocks the sounds as he plays his video games.



The Gluttony Ring where Beelzebub is King. Everyone there loves and adore their prince as they offered their fast food services to the demon lord. All you can eat buffets, cafes, pastries, foodies, & goodies were shown all around with the best flavor makers, purveyors, and artisans. While it's an beautiful haven for all gluttony demons. 

It wasn't always like that....

According to the Testament of Solomon...

Beelzebub have cause destruction through tyrants, to cause demons to be worshipped among men, to excite priests to lust, to cause jealousies in cities, cannibalism and murders.

Be Wary If The Folks There Get Hungry...You Might Lose An Arm & Leg Trying To Get Out...

Beelzebub:...Hey...You look...Appetitizing...



What Do The Other Princes Think About Him?

Belphegor - Beel has been my best friend since Heaven. We're still close. I feel like people are taking advantage of him because his kindess. I can't help but worry.

Lucifer - He is one of the most powerful people I know. He was my second in command during the rebellion and he's awfully skilled in combat. He's a pretty reliable friend & comrade.

Asmodeus - Oh. He is quite an adorable friend. Just looking at him crave for food is appealing~! 

Mammon - He's pretty helpful. I let him be my bodyguard sometimes. In return, I buy him lots of food as payment.

Satan - I like it when he's angry. It proves he's not a pushover that everyone believes he is.

Leviathan - Surprisingly. I have nothing bad to say about him. And usually, I'm the type who likes finding out bad things about someone.


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