The Great Sea Serpent

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~Hellraiser's Pov~


Hold on?!

Where am I?!

I looked around and all I could see was...water.

Water, Water, Water...

No huge ocean...

As I stood up, my feet touched the grainy sand as I stand on a island.

Me: I'm in the middle of nowhere?!

"Not quite."

Huh?! It's that voice again?!

The one I've heard when I was first sent to Hell.

Am I going crazy or am I just hearing things?!

"If you want to know where you are in heart of Hades."

Hades? Where have you heard that name before?

"Hades is the underwater country that Leviathan rules over as king."

Wait. So the Seven Princes each have their own country?

"Precisely. Ever since their fall from Heaven. The seven princes of Hell all formed their own nations. They all resides in each realm as their kings."

Could you tell me what they are?

"Hell is divided by seven countries: Gehenna, Tartaros, Avisos, Paradise Lost, Abaddon, Niflheim, & Hades."

And I ended up in Hades because Leviathan swallowed me whole?

Because he's the gatekeeper of Hell?!

"Yes. Which lands you in the Heart Of Hades...The Ocean. Where all of Leviathan's victims...never come back..."

I didn't like the sound of that...

W-What does he do to his victims?

"Some people say...if you don't beat Leviathan. He will kill you by either eating you or making sure you drown. Then again, there could be other methods you don't want to know."

A brutal reminder that these guys won't stop at nothing til they destory me.

"The devils that serve under Leviathan respect and are Jealous him. Their jealousy which fuels his envy makes him stronger. Like the other princes. He embodies the human morals of envy since the dawn of mankind. His envy drives humans to the depths of depravity. He is the most imposing creature in all the world. Becaude like the humans, he had compared himself which lead him to absolute isolation...To have absolute hatred of the world and vented violence of everyone else around him...Even his fellow demon princes..."

Which would explain why the other princes are hostile to him...But from the way Mammon acted towards him. There seems to be more to their relationship that meets the eye.

Me: That's awful...He shouldn't compare him to others. That would just set yourself up for disaster.

"Right. But sadly. Out of all the seven princes, he is well known for his destructive nature and is embodiment of chaos"

Me: Oh...

"According to mythology, Leviathan is well known as not just avatar of envy but is also the Demon King Of Sea.

Me: Meaning?

"He can transform into anything when he faces his victims. A sea serpent, a siren, a dragon, a snake, a crocodile, a whalelike animal, etc. People in real life fear him as he is... THE EATER OF WORLDS."

The voice sound does know a lot about the demon kings. do they know so much?

Matter of fact...

Me:...Who are you? Why are you telling me all this?


Me: Please. Just tell me who are you and why are you helping me?

"...You have nothing to worry about Hellraiser. I am your friend. You might say...I'm an overseer of all humans."

An overseer?

"I go by many names...but you can call me...















It's been a few minutes since the figure who claims himself as "Solomon" left me on the island.

What's...going to happen to me?

Oh right...the trials. The trials that the princes are going to put me through.

I wonder...what Leviathan has in store for me?

???: Yo! Human! Yoo-Hoo~!

What the?!

The familiar voice broke you out of your thoughts. You turned your head to meet the golden piercing eyes of one certain greedy demon.

Mammon: Ah. There you are. Finally found you.

W-What do you want?

Mammon: Hey. No need to be on edge. You're about to get ready for your first trial against that stupid snake.

Despite his seemingly genuine upbeat nature. The way he called Leviathan a stupid snake shows the venom he held for the other demon prince.

Which leads you to ponder for a moment...

What did Leviathan do to Mammon to make him hate the other so much?

Mammon: Anyway. Your trial is about to start in a few minutes. I hope your ready~! Are you~~~?

....Are you just here to gloat and mock me?!

Besides I don't have the necessary requirements to face off against Leviathan!

Mammon: What's with that look? You scared? Don't worry! I'll help you~~!


Mammon: I mean. I'll help you beat Leviathan?

...He's going to help me? What's the catch?

Mammon: It's all very simple....

A devilish grin came on his face.

I don't like this one bit.

Mammon: Forge a pact with me~!






Note: This story has bad endings in it. If you don't make the right choice. The Hellraiser will die and suffer the same pain for all eternity at the hands of the princes. Remember. Each trial and demon is more deadlier than the last?

Choose Wisely...Hellraiser's life is in your hands.





*Choice Time*

A.) Don't Do It.

B.) Forge A Pact With Mammon.

~Hellraiser~ (HITAUS)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz