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It's best I don't do it.

Because it's obvious he has some twisted scheme.

You heard it all before.

If you ever make a deal or a pact with a demon let alone a prince of Hell. Bad things can happen with can lead to traitorous consequences.

Selling your soul away to a demon won't grant you access to Heaven. If I want to beat Leviathan. It's best I do things myself.

Me: Bargaining will get me no where...

Mammon's smile went from a frown. Obviously upset from my denial to make a pact with him.

Is he going to get angry or is he going to force me into a pact.

I backed away from him just in case.

Mammon: Okay...Your loss... Don't say I didn't warn you... you might regret it.

He seemed...sad that I rejected his offer. Almost like a kicked puppy.

Mammon: Well...If you know what you're doing. Good luck, human.

He disappeared like the moment he appeared.

Said he wanted and left you..

On this island....


No... You're not alone.

Suddenly, rain begin to fall down...

You felt eyes everywhere on you.

You felt very uneasy...

The once determination you had was gone. Leaving you feeling lonely, scared, & confused...

Me: Where are you?

I wondered...

Leviathan was here.

He was most definitely here.

Watching you with his reptilian eyes like a predator is while stalking it's prey.

The island suddenly begins to darken.

The rain poured down rapidly causing your vision to blur.

You can't see anything with all this rain and darkness.

You hope the sun will appear once more.

Then the joy of living and survival will still be there.

But no...

You forget that is Hell.

You're In Hell.

The heavy rain and the sounds of thunder didn't make it any better.

The rain was coming down fast.

You were afraid that it was going to swallow it whole.

Is this Leviathan's plan.

To trap you on this island and then devour you in the ocean?!


All of a sudden, through the darkness  you saw a light.

Before you know it...

Your body begins to walk on it's own.

Almost like it was in a trance.

You continue to sideway from the sandy beach

What the...?

You heard the sound of someone singing...

"~Listen to my voice~"

You continue to move towards the voice...coming towards the waters..

"In the dark, the siren calls from the sea~!"

You were memorized by the song.

"From the crashing waves, the victim cries their desperate plea~!"

You felt the eyes again.

You couldn't escape...

Your body move again towards the waters.

"The demon comes out to play~! All survival instincts grew further away to never ever see the light of day~!"

No matters how much you resist. You couldn't.

Your feet was now in the waters. The shadowy figure smirked at you as you were still in his trance.

"Come towards the sound, echoing down, and follow me into the waters~!"

Trapped in the song, the waters begin to go into your lungs.

You struggled for air but to no avail.

The period of pain intensified as the water enters your lungs.

You can't breathe!

You can't breathe!

You can't breathe!

You can't breathe!

"Close Your Eyes...Say Your Goodbyes...Nobody Hearing Your Screams & Cries~!"




This is it. You're going to die...

This is your fate. To be trapped in the waters forever. Joining the rest of the damned and other victims.

You should've made a pact with Mammon...

Everything was starting to go black.

The last thing you saw was the piercing reptilian green eyes staring back at you menacingly through the waters.

The last thing you saw was the piercing reptilian green eyes staring back at you menacingly through the waters

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???: Close Your Eyes...Say Your Goodbyes...Nobody Hearing Your Screams & Cries~!









Bad Ending: Drowned.

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