Naruto and Sasuke cause a scandal

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I'll give you the rundown. Mizuki is a little snake. Also I managed to get a slightly bigger headband to tie around my waist which is irelevent to what I said before but important in general. I practically ran to the academy this morning to make sure Naruto was ok after he disappeared with the man the other day. I swung open the door to the classroom and quickly froze. Naruto was sitting by one of the desks and wearing a leaf headband. He passed?

I jogged up to him.

"Naruto! Your headband," I gawked.

He grinned and threw his legs onto the desk which caused a boy in front of him to send him a warranted glare.

"Pretty cool huh, Katsu?" He boasted, "Guess that makes me a full-fledged ninja now."

Did this kid bribe Mizuki with half-eaten ramen cups or something cause this situation seems illegal.  

"Spill, Naruto. I know something questionable went down last night," I accused and crossed my arms.

His eyes darted around the busy room and he leaned closer to me. I swear if he mugged another ninja and took their headband-

"Mizuki made me steal some forbidden scrolls," Naruto whispered.

I was not expecting that.

"Wait, what?"

He fidgeted with the zipper on his orange jumpsuit and continued, "Yeah. And then he tried to kill me."

Sorry? My eyes widened as I glanced around the room to see if anyone else heard that but everybody seemed to be busy with better things than attempted murder.

Naruto kept talking a mile a minute and I got the feeling that whispering wasn't really his thing by how loud he was starting to talk. 

"It's true, believe it. But luckily, Iruka Sensei helped me out and we took him down. Then he told me that I passed the graduation exam and gave me this headband! How sweet is that? I even learned this awesome new Jutsu called the Shadow Clone Jutsu and let me tell you, it is way cooler than Sasuke," he rambled.

Oook. Not sure how Sasuke fit into this equation but Sasuke seemed to always be on his mind, honestly.

"If you didn't look so serious I would think you're kidding," I managed to say after a beat of silence. 

He opened his mouth when a new voice loudly cleared their throat.

"Hey, will you let me pass through?" Sakura said although it sounded more like a statement than a question.

I whipped my head around to face her, "Say please."

The girl rolled her eyes and looked impatiently at Naruto who sported a bright red blush on his face. Very smooth, Naruto. Very smooth.

"Naruto move!" She yelled, "I want to sit on the other side of you!"

"Huh?" Uttered Naruto. Poor kid thought that Sakura wanted to sit next to him when she really wanted to sit by Sasuke who's on the other side of Naruto. But his look of disappointment lasted roughly a second before he was glaring daggers at Sasuke who seemed unbothered or just wasn't listening. 

Oh boy. This is going to be a trainwreck. I grin evilly; I'm so excited.

Sasuke seemed to finally notice the blue eyes boring into the back of his head and he turned around.

"What?" The Uchiha asked.

I was kinda nervous that Naruto was gonna throw a punch right then.

"What do you mean, what?" Naruto retorted.

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