My ninja headband doesn't fit me

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The day of our final exam. Man, I can't believe that we're finally going to be graduating. If I pass that is. I am so not down to spend the next year with some stupid eleven-year-olds.

"What a drag," Shikamaru yawned as we sat in our usual seats. "Then we're going to have to start training."

I flexed my nonexistent muscles. "Don't I look ready?"

Shikamaru gave me an almost solemn look.

"...We're both goners."

I laughed and slapped Shika on the back which he chose to ignore. A slacker and an idiot. He was right; we were so toast.

Iruka cleared his throat, "We will now start the final exam. When your name is called, proceed to the testing room. The final test will be on... The Clone Jutsu."

Wow, am I lucky today. I gotta start being grateful for small blessings. I can do a Clone Jutsu. I mean, about 50% of the time but hey! could be worse. I could be like Naruto over there who looks like he's gonna puke his guts up by the mention of the Clone Jutsu. I really hope he passes. If he fails, Iruka will never hear the end of it from me.

I strode up to the blonde.

"Hey, Naruto," I said with a wave.

The boy gave me a confused stare, clearly wondering if I was coming here to ridicule him. But I guess he knew me better than that because his shoulders relaxed.

He gave me a lopsided smile.

"Hi, Katsu! I hope you're ready to see me in one of those leaf headbands later; believe it!" he practically yelled.

His enthusiasm was infectious and I gave him a high five that must have been a little on the violent side from the way Naruto shook his hand after.

"Yeah, you will!" I shouted back.

Someone piped up from the back, "Shut up, losers."

I whipped my head around to see a famous spiky, black-haired kid glowering down at us. Ah, Sasuke Uchiha-the moodiest orphan known to man. Don't be fooled by his attitude; me and Sasuke are actually pretty chill though he would never admit it. He comes and keeps me company in my apartment once a week, though he doesn't say much. In return, I help him with his laundry in the Uchiha Compound. 

Naruto didn't seem to like his little comment.

"You know what Sasuke? We didn't ask you, you-"

"Naruto, leave Sasuke alone!" A pink-haired girl named Sakura Haruno chastised him.

"Oh c'mon Sakura, it was just a joke," Naruto said defensively with an awkward giggle.

She was not amused.

"I'm sure it was.." she muttered and rambled on.

In the middle of the argument, Sasuke apparently decided that this bickering was beneath him and got up and left. What a queen.

A new voice called out suddenly, "Kurama, Katsu."

I squeezed my way through the students and into the testing room. A table with leaf headbands made my stomach do flips. This was it. The real deal. Iruka smiled kindly as I walked in.

"Hello, Katsu. Good luck, you may begin."

Just as I was about to get into my stance, I noticed the other sensei sitting next to Iruka. He was smiling just like my usual teacher but something about it was creepy.

The creepy sensei spoke up, "You heard him. You may begin."

Sorry? Who even is this guy?

"Who even are you?" I asked as politely as one uttering that particular sentence could do.

The other sensei forced himself to maintain his smile.

"My name is Mizuki. I assume you want to pass, right?"

Well, that seemed to close the conversation and I got into my Clone Jutsu stance again. Thankfully, this was one of the 50%  of the times that the Jutsu worked and two black-haired doppelgangers stared back at me.

Iruka looked relieved.

"Great job, Katsu. You pass. You may take a leaf headband," he said proudly.

I nearly teared up. "Did you know that you're my favorite, Iruka Sensei? Please sign my headband so I can sell it for a lot of money."

Iruka laughed nervously.

"Erm..I'll have to pass on that, Katsu. See you later."

I clutched my hands to my heart. He was even humble too. I grabbed a headband and ran out with Mizuki trying (and failing) not to be seen glaring at me. 


So let me cut to the chase: Naruto didn't pass. So now I'm sitting by his side as he sits dramatically on a wooden swing. I could've sworn that I heard a sad flute in the distance playing him a song. I had tried to tie my headband around my waist earlier but even though I'm skinny, I guess I wasn't snatched enough for that since it didn't fit. Now I just hid it in my pocket out of respect for Naruto who was sniffling sadly as the families in the background gave him dirty looks and whispered. That was so not cool so I grinned ominously at them until either their younger kids started to cry or they got uncomfortable and moved somewhere else. 

"Naruto," I started, "want to talk about it?"

He didn't answer me and stared into space. I was so bad at this comforting thing. 

Finally, someone did approach us, except it was Mizuki looking all sympathetic. Right. Like he wasn't the one who failed him too. Something about his face made it look so kickable.

Mizuki stopped right in front of me.

"Katsu. Would I be able to talk with Naruto alone for a minute?"

Honestly, I'd rather not but I didn't want to be rude.

I nodded and spoke, "Yeah, of course."

There was nothing left for me here to do anyway. So I congratulated Shika and Choji and then went back to say bye to Naruto. But when I got there, both he and Mizuki were gone.

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