Study Buddies (Twutters)

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Yo! I am here with yet another one-shot! And I gotta say. . . I am so excited for this one and absoutly love it! THIS SHIP IS PERFECT!

It's Butters and Tweek!


But before we start this, I really wanna ask if y'all who request a one-shot will please request it on the most recent one posted? I would really appreciate it! Please?


Disclaimer- I dot now or have any connection with South Park or the characters portrayed in this story!


It was a normal Friday at South Park High, well as normal as it could get for South Park. Kenny had already died, Cartman got his ass kicked by Wendy and everyone got assigned and assignment.

Said assignment was about the anatomy of a certain animal, that you and your assigned partner had to research and make a poster or model of.

And of course Mrs. Garrison being the asshole she is, assigned Butters Stotch and Tweek Tweak together. . .

"O-Oh Jesus! W-We are g-gonna fail t-this and my par-parents are gonna-GAH-send me t-to boot camp!" Tweek Tweak, South Park's well known coffee addict cried twitching terribly. Clutching his coffee mud for dear life.

"N-No we won't fella, I got all the supplies we need at home to make the most amazing poster! We have an A+ in the basket!" Butters, the other half of the assigned duo, cheered excitedly. Well, if they did fail the assignment there grades would plummet because it is a 250 point project. . .

"G-God we b-better get it done then! TO MUCH PRESSURE!" Tweek screeched, walking shoulder to shoulder with Butters down the sidewalk.

"Maybe you should come spend the night at my house and we'll finish it before Monday!" Butters asked his twitchy partner, cuddling his school books.

"Y-Yeah, that WOULD PROBAB- FUCK! I THINK WE'RE BEING WATCHED!" Tweek cried, and jumped in a snow drift.

"Tweek, we ain't being watched feller." Butters helped the sputtering blonde out of the drift and dusted him off "Do that again and you'll catch a cold!"

"Ah fuck! THEN I'LL DIE OF HYPOTHERMIA!" Tweek yelped and cuddled into his green jacket.

Butters just sighed and took his new found friends hand and took him to his house "We'll just call your mom when we get home."


After getting the OK from Tweek's parents, the blonde duo set out to make the best poster about Aye-Aye. Tweek wanted to do it because the animal seemed unique, or motherfucking terrifying. (A/N Google the animal Aye Aye.)

"T-There we are done Tweek!" Butters said joyfully, clapping his hands together as he checked out the poster of there desired animal.

"W-Wow Butters we may actually get a p-passing grade!" Tweek squeaked, trembling heavily while chugging some more coffee.

"Hey Tweek don'y you think that if you drank less coffee, you' be less twitchy?" Nutters inquired to the blonde, sitting on his bed and pulling his hello kitty apple lap top into his lap.

"FUCK HELL NO!" Tweek rounded on Butters and cuddled his coffee thermos protectively "Y-You don't u-understand! I am t-tormented by gnomes! A-And coffee is the only w-way I am aware e-enough to see them!"

"S-Sorry feller. . ." Butters pouted and opened his Facebook. Only to find himself with one message, and said one message is from one parka wearing Kenny. Wonder what he sent me. . .

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