The Unique Ones (CraigMan)

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"You insufferable fat ass!" Craig bloody fists rained down on the known large boy Cartman. Tears streaming down the Ravens face. The fat ass hit home when he made fun of his dead Guinea Pig.

Cartman struggled under the Raven male, his arms held up in a defense "Goddammit Craig stop!" Yelling, he brunette shoved Craig off and stood.

"Can't you ever shut your mouth and leave everyone alone?!" Craig yelled, wiping his face his hat in his hand and hair crazy.

"Jesus man, it died four years ago! I didn't expect you to take it that hard!" Cartman growled, wiping his bloodied face with his muscular arm. He had come a long way, now fourteen he had grown into his fat and with the help of Football he was one of the most muscular kids in the grade.

"I don't care!" Craig yelled, his fists still clenched ready to hit Cartman at anytime.

"Man I'm sorry!" Cartman sighed, and held his hand up b defense "I shouldn't of said that, and I apologize. I still get pissy when people mention or make fun of me dead cat."

Craig just stared at Cartman his blue eyes baring down at him. "Yeah, whatever. Aplogy accepted."

Cartman nodded and walked towards Craig "How about me and you ditch school and go get some burgers?"

"As long as you fucking pay!" Craig yelled, following the larger male.

"Yeah I guessed that." Cartman laughed, and started towards McDonalds with Craig following him.

"What made you offer this?" Craig asked Cartman, following lightly.

"School was fucking boring as hell and you just beat the shit outta me so I owe you." The large brunette replied, looking at Craig "And your pretty cool to chill with so, why not?"

"Well alright." Craig grumbled, flipping off a rock "You could've just asked Kyle and Stan."

"Kyle is a fucking Jew, and Stan is to busy fucking Wendy." Cartman replied, walking into the burger place.

"Mhm" Craig blinked and got in line with Cartman.

After ordering, the duo walked out of McDonald's and started to Starks pond at hope of not being seen by anyone.

"Eat your damn food." Cartman grumbled plopping down us we a tree by the pond. And pulling his food out of the bag and all but thru Craig's foot at him.

"Thanks man." Craig grumbles and are a fry, watching the water.

"Yeah, yeah. Praise me." Cartman laughed, and thru a fry at the Raven male.

"No thanks." Craig cot the fry and ate it quickly, and glanced back at Cartman and shot him the bird.

Cartman just laughed and finished food. "Wanna chill here till we can head home?"

"Sure." Craig pulled a cigarette from his coat me popped it between his lips and lit it up.

"You should quit." Cartman mumbled, watching Craig suck on the death stick.

"You should suck my ass." Craig retaliated.

"I will~" Eric replied, making missy faces at Craig.

"Your a fag!" Craig flipped him of and laughed lightly "And no I will not quit."

"It'll the be the death of you." Eric grumbles, watching the back of Craig's head closely.

"Yeah, yeah. And fast food will be the death of you!" Craig replied, sucking on his cigarette before flicking off the ashes.

Eric just laughed and layed back in the grass, watching the sky. His brown eyes ever so often glancing at Craig. That was until he felt something land on his face.

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