The first encounter

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"Who is this? Wat the hell is happening? " I screamed to the phone. Emily responded " open the door. We will be there in 5 minutes " Within few minutes they both reached my room in their night pyjamas.

Tessa: I really want to tell you to calm down Nina. But that's Mr. Stone. Yesterday he was standing beside you while greeting us. Seems like someone took the photo at that time.

Emily: There's a rumour that he is dating someone from very long time. No one knows who that is or if the rumours are true. But this pic, it looks like you both are together. You both are smiling too.

I remember his chuckle when I said Mary's voice is sexy. I was also smiling like a stupid at that time. " oh my God wat do I do? "

Tessa: they will have to kill this rumour soon Nina. But I am really afraid wat will happen to you.

"Wat do you mean? Wat did I do?

Emily: that's correct. Wat did she do?

Tessa: if anyone comes to know that she works in Stone Enterprise , they will think that it's true and it will affect his image. So..

She didn't finish the sentence. But I know. No no I cannot loose this job. My life completely depends on this job. Wat do I do. Wat do I do. I started panicking. My friends tried to calm me down and stayed with me till evening.

Monday morning I got ready in a black skirt and light pink blouse and reached the office. I feel like everyone is staring at me or talking about me. Emily was waiting for me near the elevator. Tessa called to inform that a meeting is set up with Mr. Stone at 10 . I was so nervous and restless and kept looking at the time. I couldn't concentrate on my work. Oh no I cannot loose a job in one week. No one knows how important this job is for me.

I reached the 15th floor and Tessa walked me towards the meeting room. The city looks spectacular from here. I even thought about jumping from this window. I heard a knock and the sound of someone entering the room and pulling the chair. I couldn't look up. What the fuck is wrong with my neck. Why can't I turn and look at people. " Good morning Ms.Smith " wow this voice makes me skip a heart beat. I slowly turned towards him. There sits the most handsome or sexy man I ever seen. He looks 100 times better than the photo those paparazzi published. Me too I thought. Oh no. I am not here to discuss the quality of the photo.

"I am sorry Mr. Stone. I never intended to make any harm to you or the company. Please don't fire me. I really need this job. Please help me "

" First of all when I greet someone I expect a response to that. Secondly wat are you sorry for Ms. Smith. Did you leake this photo to the media?"

"No Mr. Stone. I will never do that. This is the first time I am seeing you. I did not even know that it was you yesterday. "

"But you thought my voice is sexy, " he chuckled again. And I blushed. Stupid cheeks.

"I just want to meet you in person Ms.Smith. Don't worry. Your job is safe. My legal team will send you a document. Please read it and sign it. I just wanted to meet my 'girlfriend' in person. He smiled a little. Oh my God he looks so handsome. His lips curved up a little and it makes me skip another heart beat. Few more encounters with him I will get a heart attack I thought.

Yes Mr. Stone. I said and left the room. Another set of people were waiting outside the meeting room for the next meeting. Tessa was waiting for me. I hugged her and told that my job is safe. She was so happy for me.

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