"We'll just have to find him first." Dean shrugged. 

"We better work fast and coffee up." Bobby said. "Because one thing we cannot do is fall asleep."

Two Days Later

"This Jeremy guy's not a frigging ghost. Where the hell could he be?" Dean snapped from the driver seat of the Impala.

"Somebody's cranky." I tickled Evie's stomach. "Huh? Yeah, he's just a big grump."

Dean glared at him. 

"Dean, are you sure you don't want me or Saige to drive? You seem a little...caffeinated." Sam spoke up.

"Thanks for the newsflash, Edison." Dean replied. 

"Yeah, he's definitely just a big grump, huh?" I kissed Evie's cheek, making her giggle.

Dean's phone rang and he then continued to wrestle it from his pocket, muttering curse words and incoherent sentences under his breath. He answered. "Tell me you got something...Yeah." Bobby said something I couldn't quite hear. He was back at the motel with Bela, trying to find a new lead. "What the hell, Bobby?!" A pause. "Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just--I'm tired." 

"This is probably the most entertaining thing since Sam lost his shoe." Millie said. 

"What's Bela got?" Dean asked. Nothing, apparently because he then sarcastically yelled. "Great! Well, I'm just gonna go blow my brains out now." He hung up, tossing the phone down.

He then pulled off to the side of the road, stopped in a small clearing in the woods. Dean killed the engine, sighing. "Alright, that's it. I'm done." He moved around a little before lying down. 

"What are you doing?" Sam asked.

"Taking myself a long overdue nap." Dean stated. 

"Dean." I complained.

"What? Jeremy can come after you." Sam pointed out. 

"That's the idea." Dean said.

"Excuse me?"

"Come on, man, we can't find him. So let him come to me." Dean said. 

"On his own turf? Where he's basically a god?"

"Your sleep deprived decisions are worse than I thought they'd be." I stated. 

"I can handle it." Dean shut his eyes, shifting around for a moment.

"Not alone you can't." Sam reached over, ripping a piece of Dean's hair out.

"Ow." Dean shot up, rubbing his head. "What are you doing?"

"Coming in with you." Sam stated. "Saige?"

I nodded. "If one of us is stupid, we're all stupid." 

"No, you're not." Dean told us.

"Why not?" Sam asked. "At least then it'll be three against one." 

"Because I don't want you digging around in my head." 

"Too bad." Sam dropped a few hairs into my hand.

Though I'm not sure I needed it. 


I woke what felt like mere seconds later. 

"For the love of God." Dean muttered, eyes heavy and tired looking. "What are we still doing here?"

"I have no idea." Sam replied. "There's someone out there."

We got out of the car, wandering around the small area, peering through the trees. Suddenly, since I was looking off in another direction, I bumped into Dean. I looked forward. "Sorry--" My voice died when I saw myself sitting on a blanket with a picnic basket beside myself. 

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