Part 9

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"Yoon.. please.. it's late out." I tell her trying to stop her from leaving. "I genuinely don't care Ho-Jung." She tells me while walking out the room me following behind her. "Yoon please don't leave." I say while in tears. She ignores me and slams the key I gave to her down on the counter and walks out slamming the door behind her. I stand there in between the living room and kitchen crying. I stand there not knowing what to do. I fall onto my knees when all the emotions hit me like a truck. I was mad at myself and upset I let Hayoon leave so easily. I sat there for an hour or two with my thoughts spiraling. I finally stood up and wiped my tears. I walked into my room and shut the door behind me. I texted Deiji to let her know I wasn't going to be at practice for the rest of the week. She asked me if everything was okay and I just told her I wasn't feeling good. She told me she hopes I start feeling better. I thanked her and put my phone on the desk next to my bed. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. By the time I fell asleep I already saw the sun out. I didn't wake up until 4pm in the afternoon. I went to check my phone but it was dead. I put it on the charger and rolled over to face the window right next to my bed. I look out the window and stare straight ahead. I laid like that for a few minutes until I rolled over to see if my phone charged. I grabbed my phone and put in my password. I went right to my messages to see if Hayoon had texted me but she didn't. I texted her first in hopes she would reply but when I sent the message it didn't go through. I went to the group chat in hopes of being able to talk to her that way but there was a notification saying she left the group chat. I threw my phone down and it came off the charger and fell onto the ground. I roll over grabbing one of my pillows and hold it close to me wishing it was Hayoon in my arms. I close my eyes and lay there like that for a long time. I hear my phone buzz and I turn over to grab it. I see there is a message from someone I hoped it was Hayoon but it was Chan-Mi. She asked me if I knew why Hayoon wasn't at practice that morning. I told her that Hayoon told me she wasn't feeling well either. Chan-Mi thanked me for telling her and told me she hopes I feel better. I put my phone on do not disturb then placed it next to my head and faced towards the window. The sunlight that was coming in through the window was overwhelming so I closed the curtains. I grabbed my phone and texted Hayoon apologizing wishing the messages would go through. After around thirty minutes I gave up on texting her when I got the idea to ask Deiji where Hayoons apartment was. Deiji asked me why I wanted her apartment address so I made up a lie saying I wanted to bring her some food and medicine to make her feel better. Deiji seemed to believe me and she sent me Hayoons apartment address. I grabbed my shoes and a jacket and ran out of my apartment with the direction to her apartment on my phone. I rushed out of the apartment complex and started running in the direction of Hayoons apartment Complex. When I get there I go up to Hayoons apartment and hesitated when knocking. After I knocked I heard her voice. I didn't care what she said all I cared about what hearing her voice. Once I heard her voice I started tearing up. I knocked again and didn't stop knocking until the door opened. I look up and that's when I see a random guy. "Who are you?" I ask. Im confused as to why there is a random guy standing in front of me. "I should be asking you the same question." He said. While shutting the door a little. "Where is she? Where is Hayoon?" I say. I almost start yelling at him. That's when Hayoon stepped in front of the door. "Why are you here Ho-Jung?" She asks. "Hayoon.." I say before she cuts me off. "Why are you here Ho-Jung? I'm not going to ask again." She says in a stern tone. "I needed to see you. I'm so sorry for everything that happened. I miss you Yoon." I tell her while holding back tears. "I genuinely don't care Jung. You lied to me and didn't seem to feel bad about it. You don't understand how badly you hurt me Ho-Jung." She tells me seeming as if she was about to cry. "Yoon please just let me explain." I tell her when a tear falls down my cheek. "No Ho-Jung. You need to leave. Like now." She tells me while shutting the door in my face. I feel more tears fall down my face as I felt like the world was coming to a stop. I began walking back to my apartment. While walking I walked past a convenience store and my stomach rumbled. I decided to go inside and get me something to eat. I walked in and went to get some ramen. I walked over to where the ramen was and right next to the one I was going to grab was Hayoons favorite snack. I looked at it and finally gave in and grabbed it. I checked out and walked to my apartment complex. When I got to my apartment I unlocked the door and sat my bag of stuff down on the counter. I walked into my room and put my phone on the charger. I walked back into the kitchen area and got my ramen out. I put hot water in it and put it in the microwave for a few minutes. I sat on my couch trying to think of who that guy possibly could've been. 

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