Part 2

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When I got to my apartment Chan asked me on a date later that week. I didn't know what to say and asked him if I could think about it before I agreed to go on one. We continued to talk and get to know each other. We talked for hours on end we talked until 3am that night. When I finally told him I needed to get sleep we said goodnight and I went to sleep smiling thinking about our conversation. I woke up at 8am to get ready to meet the new girl group I was going to be apart of. I put on my favorite outfit to wear and left my apartment. While I was walking to the company building I was texting Chan. We planned to meet up after I got done meeting my new group it isn't going to be a date just us talking and getting to know each other. When I got into the practice room I walked in and see three girls practicing a dance. I waited patiently for them to finish, I didn't want to interrupt their practice. I sat myself and my stuff down on a couch in the practice room and watched. I knew they noticed me because I saw them glance over at me a few times. Once the music stoped playing and they posed meaning the song was over they walked over to me breathless grabbing their waters. They all walked over to me with kind smiles. "Hello! You must be the new girl! My name is Deiji and I'm the leader of the group Poppy!" She said while I bowed to show respect towards her. "Hi! My name is Chan-Mi but you can Mi!" She told me while I bowed once again to show respect towards her. "Hey. My name is Hayoon. It's nice to meet you." She said kind of coldly but I still bowed to show my respect. Hayoon's hair sticks out to me a lot it's just like mine but I ignore it and greet them. "Hello everyone my name Is Lee Ho-Jung, but y'all can call me Jung!" I told them while seeming excited. I noticed Hayoon roll her eyes but I didn't really care about it. After the practice I had already had two dances and two songs memorized fully. It was the end of practice and I texted Chan to meet me outside the building. He texted me he was already out there. It made me smile while reading the text I grabbed my stuff and said by to the other girls. I waved bye while making eye contact with Hayoon. I instantly got butterflies in my stomach and broke the eye contact. I couldn't understand why was I feeling this way towards someone who doesn't even seem to like me in the slightest. Maybe it's the fact that she doesn't like me but before I could continue to second guess myself I walk out the building and see Chan and all the thoughts went away. We decided to go look around the mall because the mall is my favorite place to go. We walked to the mall and when we got there we went into a dress shop because I absolutely love looking at dresses but I never have the money to buy any of the ones I want. While looking I came across my literal dream dress. 


Dress visual: 


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 When I saw it I literally gasped Chan thought something was wrong and asked me if I was okay. I told him I was fine but that I see my literal dream dress. He asked me if I was going to buy it. I went up to it and looked at the price tag. My smile faded I should've known I wouldn't be able to buy it. I told Chan that I wouldn't be able to buy it and that we should just go. I started walking towards the door before he grabbed my arm and told me to try it on. "Why I won't be able to buy it." I told him while seeming upset. "Just try it on Jung. Don't worry about the price." He told me with happiness in his voice. "Chan I cant allow you to buy it for me its way to expensive." I tell him trying to leave the store once again. He pulled me back again and said he was going to buy it for me if I liked how I looked in it. I couldn't argue with him because he wouldn't let me so I gave in and asked the store clerk if I could try it on. She gladly grabbed the dress and took me over to a changing room. I walked into the changing room and tried on the dress. As soon as I looked at myself in the mirror with the dress on I couldn't believe what I saw. I looked and felt beautiful. I slowly opened the dressing room door. I was looking down because I didn't know what else to do. When I didn't hear Chan say anything I looked up to see his mouth open and shock all over his face. I asked him if everything was okay and he told me I looked beautiful. I smiled and blushed at what he said. I thanked him and he told me that he has to get it for me because of how beautiful I looked in it. I smiled and thanked him again. I went back into the changing room and put my other clothes back on. When I grabbed my phone I got a text from a number not saved in my phone. It was from Chan-Mi. She told me she had gotten my number from my trainee choreographer. She asked me if I would like to join the group chat for our group. I told her that I was fine with joining the group chat and next thing I know Im getting a bunch of text from a group chat. I asked in the group if they could tell me their names so I could save them under the correct number and they did.

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