Part 1

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In my reality when you turn 18 your hair turns the same color your soulmates hair is. I'm now 23 with blonde hair this is my original hair color because when I turned 18 my hair went straight to black. Ever since I turned 18 my hair has been various bright colors I've tried to dye my hair back to its natural blonde but every time I try I end up with the same vibrant color as before. I gave up after a year of trying to get my blonde back. My soulmate has dyed their hair blonde a few times but it never lasted long it lasted a day or two then it was back to vibrant or dark colors. At this point in me searching for my soulmate my hair is black with a weird red stripe. It looks pretty cool on me but I'm not a big fan of it. Enough about my soulmate more about me my name is Lee Ho-Jung I'm a Korean Aussie streamer working my way up to becoming a k-pop star I'm currently a trainee with a few months left until I'm able to audition for a group. I started up my stream. I played a few games on stream and then wrapped it up because I had trainee practice. I ended my stream and got dressed to leave for practice. Once I got to the building I walked passed a guy that really caught my eye. It was his hair that caught me off guard it was just like mine. I quickly turned my head to look at him. It was just like my but shorter. I didn't have the courage to talk to him so I just turned back towards the building and walked in. I got to my practice room and put my stuff down on a couch in the room and started stretching my arms and legs. The instructor came in shortly after I finished stretching. Me and the other trainees got prepared for a choreograph that our director had prepared for us to perform. Another trainee was supposed to be the lead and at the front of the choreograph but she changed it and asked me to move to the front. This might not seem big to most people but to a trainee this is huge. I moved to the front and made sure I paid very close attention to the instructor when she was showing us what to do in the choreograph. I got the choreograph down very quickly I've been really good at getting our past choreographs down but never got the opportunity to show it off. Once we got through our whole choreograph the instructor had us do a full run through and I was prepared to give it my all. When my instructor played the music for the choreograph I did the choreograph almost perfectly. The instructor gave us a break and called me over to her. I grabbed my water and walked over to my instructor. "Ho-Jung, what I just saw out there was pure talent. You deserve to be more than a trainee. After what I saw today I have a girl group that would love to have you in their group its a small group with only three girls already and they would truly love to have you. So Ho-Jung what do you say?" She told me while I was trying to contain my excitement."Ho-Jung, what I just saw out there was pure talent. You deserve to be more than a trainee. After what I saw today I have a girl group that would love to have you in their group its a small group with only three girls already and they would truly love to have you. So Ho-Jung what do you say?" She told me while I was trying to contain my excitement. I thanked her then realized I hadn't gotten the name of the group yet. "Oh wait uhm miss what's the group name?" I asked turning myself back around to face her. "Oh right the group name is Poppy. They're a newer group and has already debuted but the first tour you go on will be your debut date." She told me while it took me a moment to process what she told me. I smiled, thanked her then packed up my things so I could go home. I walked out the building and there he was again the same guy as earlier why would he be here again it's like he's waiting for someone. I was confused but walked by him not thinking anything would happen almost as soon as I walked by him he called out for someone it startled me so I looked behind me being nosey to see who he was calling out to. That's when I realized he was calling out to me. I turned fully around and he started walking up to me. "Uhm can I help you?" I asked confused and nervous. "Your hair, it's just like mine." He said staring at my hair. "Uhm yea it looks like it is. I'm sorry is there something you needed from me?" I asked in a tone to show him I was in a rush. "Oh uhm could I possibly get your number? I can tell you're in a rush." He asked sounding embarrassed. "Yeah sure it's ***-***-****." I replied watching him put it in his phone. He thanked me and I walked off. Not to long after I walked off I got a text from a random number I assumed it was him and I would check my phone when I had a second to look. I was hungry so I went to a local ramen restaurant near my apartment. I walked in and the hostess sat me almost instantly. I was given a menu and looked over it and waited for the server to come over so I could order. Once the server came over I ordered my food and got a water. While I waited for my food I took my phone out to text that guy from earlier back. We talked while I waited for my food and while I ate my food I found out that his name was Bang Chan. He is the leader of a k-pop group called stray kids he told me there where 8 members in his group and that there use to be 9 members but the 9th member left the group. I told him that I gotten the news I wasn't a trainee anymore and that I got accepted into a group. Me and Chan got along really well maybe just maybe he's actually my soulmate. I paid for my food and texted Chan as I walked back to my apartment.

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