Part 7

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"why don't you lay down Jung." She asked me. "You just got back and I want to spend time with you." I tell her trying to keep my eyes open. "Jung. Lay down love." She tells me trying to get me to lay down. "No I don't wanna." I say in a whining tone. "Jung. Lay down you need sleep." She tells me in a calming tone. "Ugh don't talk to me in that tone." I tell her sleepily. "In what tone?" She replies using the same tone. "Yoon. Stop." I say in a tired and whiney tone. "I will stop once you fall asleep love." She replies to me in the same calming tone. "Fine I will lay down but you're laying down with me." I tell her pulling her down to lay with me. She lays down on the other side of me and holds me in her arms. I turn my body to face her. "Is everything okay?" She asks me while making eye contact. "Mhm," I say not being able to take my eyes off her. "Everything is perfect." I tell her while still looking into her eyes. She leans down and kisses me on the lips. "Go to sleep love." She tells me after pulling away from the kiss. "Mmm I don't wanna" I say sleepily. I move my head back up to look at her with a smile on my face. We make eye contact and I don't take my eyes off her. My smile fades and I sit up. "Are you okay?" She asks when I cut her off with a kiss. She doesn't pull away from the kiss and pushes deeper into it. I hold her face and move kisses down to her neck I heard her let a few soft whimpers. I smiles and continued to give her a love bite on her collar bone and then went back to kissing her on the lips. She pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "Are you sure you're ready for this? We don't have to continue if you aren't ready Jung." She said with a serious look on her face. "I feel like i'm ready but the thought of doing it makes me feel nauseous but like a good kind of nauseous. I know I'm not making any sense right now." I tell her while sitting up while Cris-crossing my legs. She puts her hand on my thigh. "Jung. We don't have to do it until you're ready. I know if this is too soon for you. We can wait." She assures me in a calming tone. "I'm sorry Yoon." I say to her. "Jung it's okay. There is no need to be sorry. Now let's take a nap and when we wake up we can make dinner together." She tells me as I lay down and she holds me close to her. I fall asleep a few minutes after closing my eyes. When I woke up I didn't feel Hayoons arms around me. I sat up sleepily and looked around my room. I hear the shower turn on and assumed she was showering. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen. I looked through the groceries Hayoon had gotten and noticed she got kimchi. I got my chopsticks out of my silverware drawer and started eating. While i'm eating the kimchi I hear the water turn off and the door to the bathroom open. I turn around to see Hayoon walk out with a towel wrapped around her and her wet hair hanging off her shoulders dripping water onto the floor. I couldn't take my eyes off of her and I had this feeling in my stomach. I couldn't understand what I was feeling. I couldn't take my eyes off her she walked out of my line of view after she grabbed one of my oversized hoodies and a pair of her own shorts. The hoodie was so big on her it covered her shorts and that feeling that was in my stomach grew stronger. She walked over to me and grabbed some things out of the fridge and took the groceries out of the bags. I hopped up on the counter after she moved the the empty grocery bags into the trash. She gets pots and pans out and turns on the stove. She puts water in one of the pots and puts that pot on one of the turned on burners. She moves over to me parting my legs and stood in between them. She placed her hands on my thighs and kisses me gently. She pulls away and places her forehead on mine. She looks deep into my eyes and places her hand on my cheek. She kisses me gently again and goes back to cooking. I went on my phone. A few minutes later there was a knock on my apartment door. I was about to get up and see who it was when Hayoon walked over to the door and opens it. "Who are you exactly?" Hayoon asked the person at the door. "Oh. You aren't the person I was hoping to be here." A very familiar voice said to her. Once I recognized the voice I immediately jumped off the counter and moved Hayoon out of the way. I walked out into the apartment hallway and shut the door behind me. "What the fuck Gu-Won. Why are you here?" I asked in a whisper shout. "I wanted to see you Ho-Jung. I've missed you J." He said in a quiet soft tone. "You saw who I was in there with. Don't ruin this for me G. She makes me happy and I can't loose her. You know what happens every time you come around G. Im not going to fuck up what I have with her for a stupid fling with you." I told him in a stern but still quiet tone. "J. Come on." He couldn't finish what he was saying before I cut him off. "No Gu-Won. You need to leave. Now." I tell him walking back into my apartment and locking the door. 

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