Part 3

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I walked out the changing room with the dress. Chan took it from my hands and took it to the counter. The cashier scanned it and Chan paid for it. I watched as he paid with a huge smile on my face. I went to grab the bag the dress was in but Chan pushed my hand away and grabbed it. I told him I can carry my own bags and he told me he was going to carry them even though he knows I can carry them myself. We went to other stores and Chan bought me more clothes and other things I wanted no matter how many times I told him I would buy my things because he bought me that dress. He insisted on buying me the things I wanted and wouldn't let me argue that I could buy them myself. We finished shopping at the mall and he walked me to my apartment and brought the things he had bought me to my apartment room. He set the stuff down in my bedroom and turned to me and asked if we could go on that date this Friday. I smiled and said yes but only if I could pay for dinner. He rolled his eyes and agreed. He left after that and that's when I got a text from Hayoon. I didn't expect for her to text me because I thought she didn't like me. She asked if I could meet her for coffee tomorrow morning. I don't know why but reading her text made me have butterflies in my stomach even after spending almost the whole day with Chan I still get butterflies from her. I agreed and asked what time and what coffee shop. She told me the time and coffee shop. I put my phone on the charger and went to make me something to eat. I finished eating and changed into my pajamas and went to sleep. I woke up and got ready to meet Hayoon. I put on a simple outfit along with simple makeup. I grabbed my phone, my headphones, and my purse and left my apartment. I put my headphones on and walked to the coffee shop. I enter the coffee shop and see Hayoon. I take my headphones off and go and sit across from her. "Hello Hayoon. Is there a reason you wanted to meet up?" I asked while feeling my heart beat faster with every word. "We need to be on better terms between each other." She said with the same cold tone as when we first met. "Yes we do It seems there is some tension between us." I say noticing my heart stopped beating as fast and I was calmer. "I wanted us to meet so we can get to know each other better. If you couldn't tell i'm not the fondest of new people." She said with the same cold tone. "Yes I could tell when you first introduce yourself to me." I tell her while she sips her coffee. "If you don't mind I'm going to order myself a coffee then we can continue our conversation." I say while standing up and starting to walk over to the counter. I order my drink and wait for my name to be called. When it was called I grabbed my drink and went to sit back down with Hayoon. We sat there talking for almost two hours it was a little awkward at first but our connection grew stronger as we talked and got to know each other. I found out the reason she does not like new people. I also found out that she put on the front that she did not like me because for the first time she didn't see anything in me to not like unlike others she has met. When we parted our ways she texted me when she made it back to her place and I texted her when I made it back to my apartment. My week went on normally after that when I would have practice me and Hayoon would be attached at the hip and then Friday came and I worried about what to wear and my makeup almost the whole day until the time came for me to get ready and leave to meet him at the restaurant. When I got there I already saw him sitting there waiting for me. I pointed him out to the hostess to show I was with him and she let me go over to him. I sat down across from him and he told me I looked beautiful. I thanked him and that's when our waiter came over and asked us for our drink order. We ordered our drinks then got to looking over the menu and talking with each other. While we continued talking I realized I feel the exact same way towards him that I do towards Hayoon.The biggest coincidence is that they both have black hair with a red streak in it. They both make me feel the same way towards each other but I just know once its officially out there that I'm apart of Poppy me and him won't be able to hangout together in the open as much. Once our food came and we finished eating he offered to walk me to my apartment since it was late. I thanked him and we left. While we walked to my apartment I brought it to his attention that we wouldn't be able to be out in the open once its officially out in the open that I'm apart of Poppy. He told me he had already thought about that and that he already thought of solutions to how we could still see each other without fans thinking anything about it. I smiled and we walked into my apartment complex. Chan hugged me goodbye and I took the elevator to my apartment. When I got to my apartment I turned my phone back on and had a text from Hayoon. I apologized for the late reply and she asked if we could call and talk. I said yes and she called me right after that. We talked for hours getting to know each other better. We switched from calling to FaceTiming an hour or so in.

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