Part 8

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"So are you going to tell me who that was or are you just going to keep it a secret?" Hayoon asked me sounding upset. "That was my ex boyfriend. I don't know why he showed up but he's gone now." I tell her while hopping back on the counter. "Well as long as he's gone everything will be okay." She says letting out a sigh and draining the noodles in the pot of water. "I never asked what are you cooking?" I asked while looking over at her. "I'm making noodles and my homemade noodle broth. I get a lot of compliments on it and I hope you like it." She tells me while adding spices into a pot with pork broth. She chopped up some vegetables while the soup was starting to boil. She added some of the green onions she chopped up into the soup. While I was watching her cook my phone buzzed. I picked it up to see Jeong Gu-Won had texted me. I ignored his text and then Hayoon handed me a bowl of food. We sat on the couch and I placed my phone on the counter. We ate our food and then started talking to each other. "So why did your ex show up to you apartment?" She asked me sounding jealous and curious. "Well to be honest he just wanted to hook up with me. He does it every time him and the girl he was fucking with break up." I tell her not wanting to talk about it anymore. "Why do you let him keep coming back?" She asked me while I was getting more and more pissed off with the idea of him. "Because Hayoon. He was the only person to give me the attention and the touch I needed before I met you." I told her with a lump in my throat. "Jung you know you have me now." She told me in a comforting tone. "Yes Hayoon. I know I have you and I'm not leaving you. And i'm not letting you leave." I say with sincere in my words. I place my empty bowl onto the coffee table. "I honestly don't want to talk about him anymore. He's gone from my life now." I tell her avoiding eye contact. She grabbed mine and her bowl and put them in the sink. While she was doing that I went and laid down on my bed. Hayoon walked in and laid down next to me. She wrapped her arms around me and fell asleep. I made her think I was asleep because I couldn't stop thinking about Jeong Gu-Won. After the thoughts calmed down I realized I didn't have my phone on me. Hayoon had shifted to the other side of the bed so I got up and went to get my phone from off the counter. I sat on the couch and read the messages Gu-Won had sent me. I grabbed some of the wine I had in my fridge and started drinking it. I ended up getting drunk. I couldn't help but text Gu-Won and planned to meet up with him. I told him he couldn't come to my apartment so we met at his apartment. As soon as I got to his apartment and he opened the door I kissed him. He began to take my shirt off and I stop him. "Wait. No this is wrong. I shouldn't have come here." I say. While pulling my shirt back down and pushing away from him. "J. Is this because of that girl you were with?" He asks with disgust in his voice. "Yes actually Jeong Gu-Won. This was a mistake." I say to him with disgust in my voice and on my face. "This thing happening between. It over. Don't ever text or show up at my apartment again." I tell him while opening the door and leaving. I start walking back to my apartment with so many thoughts spiraling in my head. I couldn't believe I went to his place. I couldn't believe I kissed him. I looked at my phone and noticed Hayoon texted me asking where I was. I couldn't tell her I was with Gu-Won so I told her I went to the convenience store to get some snacks. She texted me to be safe and told me she was going back to sleep. I decided I should actually go and get snacks so Hayoon wouldn't ask about it. I stopped at the store and got some of my favorite snacks and some of Hayoons favorite snacks. My mind was still spiraling over what had happened at Gu-Won's place. I knew I shouldn't have gone over there. I can't understand why I went over to his place. When I made it back to my apartment I made sure I was quiet and made sure I didn't wake up Hayoon. I placed the bag of snacks on the counter and walked into my room. Hayoon wasn't asleep when I walked into the room she was sitting up on the bed on her phone. "Are you serious right now Ho-Jung." She asks me not looking up from her phone with a pissed voice. "What do you mean Yoon?" I asked confused and nervous. "You went to his place then lie to me about where you were." She said throwing her phone down on the bed. "Yoon." I say before she cuts me off. "What and I cannot stress this enough the fuck is wrong with you Ho-Jung?" She asked me with a hurt look on her face. "Yoon I can explain." I say before she cuts me off again and stands up from the bed. "Please explain to me why you lied to me and why you were there!" She said almost yelling at me. "Hayoon! Let me speak!" I yell. "You need to let me explain if you want an answer! I lied because I didn't want you too worry about why I was over there! The reason I went over there was to end things between me and him." I tell her lowering my voice. "Oh so you aren't going to tell me how you kissed him? And how y'all almost went further than that?" She asked in a serious tone. "Hayoon.." I say before she starts speaking again. "No.. you know what Ho-Jung I was really starting to like you. I wanted to be with you. But now I see where your priorities are." She tells me with hurt in her voice. "Yoon.. please understand why I did what I did." I tell her while I start to tear up. "No.. you aren't going to use that voice on me Ho-Jung. I'm leaving." She tells me walking over to my dresser and grabbing her clothes she had put in there.

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