Part 5

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She put her plate down and faced me. I paused the movie and faced her again. "Is there something wrong?" Hayoon asked me. "Yes and no." I reply. Im pretty sure she could tell something was wrong. "Jung. What wrong?" She asked sounding worried. "I really want to tell you something but I'm afraid of ruining our friendship. I cant lose you because you mean a lot to me." I said not being able to look her in the eyes. "Jung.. what's wrong love?" She ask sounding sincere and worried. I don't reply and look down at my feet. "Jung.. look at me." She says while lifting my face to look at her. My heart started beating fast. My breath got quicker and deeper. I found myself not being able to break the eye contact happening between us. "Jung? Come on please tell me what's wrong." She said that's when my eyes moved to her lips. "I- uhm I cant tell you I'm sorry Hayoon." I tell her while taking my eyes off her lips and looking back down at my feet. She tried to move my eyes back to hers but I resisted. "Hayoon... you need to go.." I say not being able to confront my feelings for her. "Jung-" she says before I cut her off. "Hayoon I'm sorry I just cant do this right now." I say standing up. "Jung it's late I cant walk home this late at night." She tells me sounding mad and upset at the same time. "You can stay here tonight you can sleep in my room I will sleep out here." I tell her still not being able to look at her. I hear her stand up from the couch but don't hear her say anything. "Jung. Turn around and look at me." She says sternly. I turn around with clear distress on my face. "Jung what is going on? Please talk to me." She asks me sounding upset. "Yoon.. I don't want to ruin this friendship we have." I say not wanting to speak to her about how I was feeling. "Jung you won't ruin anything." She says trying to make me feel better. "Yoon you don't know that. You don't know that what I'm going to tell you won't ruin our friendship." I say still not wanting to confess how I feel. "Jung.. please I-" she sighs before speaking again. "If you won't say what you want to say then I will say what I want to say." she says while taking a deep breath. "Jung.. ever since that day we met in the coffee shop I haven't been able to get you off my mind. You're all I think about. It might've seemed like I didn't like you when we first met but when I first saw you my heart raced, my palms got sweaty, and my breathing got heavier. YOU had that affect on me. I've genuinely never felt that way towards someone. Jung... I cant live without you." She tells me while I stare at her in disbelief. "Yoon.." She cuts me off before I finish my sentence. "I understand Jung. You don't have to say anything I will see myself out." She says about to walk towards the door. I grab her arm before she can walk another step. I make her face me and with hesitation I kiss her on the lips. She doesn't pull away from the kiss and kisses me back. I pull away and start talking. "This is what I wanted to tell you Yoon. From the moment I laid eyes on you. I knew I had feelings for you." Tell her holding her face and pressing my forehead on hers. "Jung.. just stop talking." She says before kissing me. I kiss her back and that's when things get heated. We make our way to my room still only kissing but who knows if we get further than that. She lays me down on my bed and gets on top of me still kissing me. She starts to take off my shirt when I pull away from the kiss. "I don't think I'm ready for this yet Yoon." I tell her trying to not make things awkward. "That's okay Jung. We don't have to continue if you don't want to." She says in an understanding tone. "Are you sure? I don't want to make it seem like I'm leading you on." I tell her shyly. She reassures me that its perfectly fine to not want to go any further. I thank her with a kiss and we decide to lay down and go to sleep. She laid on my chest and falls asleep. I realized that I still have a thing going on with Chan that's going to have to be cut off. I decided to tell him in person and texted him to make plans so I could tell him in person. I texted him and asked for a good time me and him could meet up to talk. He gave me a day and a time and we both agreed. I put my phone on the charger and went to sleep holding Hayoon in my arms. When I woke up I noticed Hayoon wasn't in my bed anymore. I sat up and checked my phone. I didn't have a text or anything from Hayoon so I was a little concerned. I got up from my bed and opened my door. I looked around and didn't see Hayoon. I went back to my room to call Hayoon. Right when I was about to call her there was a knock on my door. I opened the door and it was Hayoon. I let out a sigh of relief. "where did you go?" I asked received worried. "I'm sorry I should've told you where I went. I wanted to cook breakfast for us." She replied stepping into my apartment and setting bags down on the counter. "Its okay just next time please tell me." I asked her while looking through the bags to see what she got. She asked me to show her where my pots and pans where and I did. 

soulmateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora