"Sebastian, take Azure and go!" Luna ordered urgently as she prepared herself for what was to come. With a nod, Sebastian whisked Azure to safety just before the explosion ripped through the building, reducing it to dust.

Standing amidst the chaos, Luna's resolve hardened. She knew she couldn't falter now, not after the loss of her comrades, Randolph and Alexander. As the dust settled, she found herself face to face with the armored man once more.

"Well, well, still standing, are we?" he taunted, his tone mocking. "I wonder, can your precious Phoenix stand up to a dragon?"

Luna squared her shoulders, her determination unwavering. "Let's find out," she retorted, readying herself for the battle ahead.

But before she could fully prepare herself, an arrow struck her in the back, momentarily throwing her off balance. Seizing the opportunity, the armored man launched another attack, his greatsword slicing through the air with deadly precision, leaving a deep gash in Luna's arm.Gritting her teeth against the impact, Luna's resolve remained steadfast. She realized something was amiss, her spiritual power seemed blocked, rendering her unable to unleash her full potential.

The armored man advanced towards Luna, his sword gleaming menacingly in the dim light of the ruins. Yet, before he could reach her, he halted abruptly, directing his gaze skyward to a group of figures hovering above. "Don't interrupt my fight again," he warned, his voice cold and commanding.

With a determined grin, Luna rose to her feet. "Isn't it rude to chat during a battle?" she retorted, her voice laced with defiance.

The armored man's lips curled into a smirk, his tone dripping with scorn. "Weakling," he scoffed, his words a taunt aimed at Luna's resilience. "If I had known you were this feeble, I would have paid you a visit sooner."

Luna's eyes narrowed, her focus unbroken despite his insults. "Two hits and you think you've already won?" she countered, her voice ringing with determination. "If you truly want to face me, then face me with everything you've got."

The man smiled and taunted Luna, "Girls always strive to appear strong, but in truth, they're just feeble creatures." He aimed his greatsword at her menacingly. "Prepare to suffer like never before," he declared, lunging forward with a fierce swing.

Quick on her feet, Luna dodged his attack, swiftly ascending to higher ground within the ruined basement. Undeterred, the armored man pursued her relentlessly, his strikes meeting only air. "You can't defeat me without using your full power," Luna reminded him, her voice steady despite the danger.

With a determined expression, Luna closed the distance between them, landing a powerful blow to his stomach that left him reeling in pain. She retreated, flexing her wrist as she observed his weakened state. "You're resilient," she acknowledged, her tone tinged with respect.

The armor covering the man's stomach crumbled, revealing his bare abdomen as he struggled to rise to his feet. "I commend you for breaking my armor with a single punch," he remarked, his tone laced with grudging respect.

Luna responded with a mockingly polite "Thank you," before eyeing him warily.Unfazed, the man gestured for Luna to strike him again, dropping his sword as a challenge. "Put everything into it this time. Make me feel something," he taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.

With a hint of reluctance, Luna questioned his certainty. "Are you sure you want to feel something?" she asked, her voice tinged with sarcasm.

The man dismissed her concerns with a scoff. "Come on, little girl. Show me what you've got. I doubt you could even scratch me," he goaded, reaching for his sword.

Before he could grasp the weapon, Luna delivered another powerful punch to his stomach, causing him to double over in agony, coughing up blood. "I really wanted to see the dragon's power," she remarked coolly, her gaze steely.

As his companions rushed to his aid, Luna seized the opportunity to incapacitate them. "Who turns their backs on their enemy?" she mused aloud, darting towards them with lethal precision.

With lightning speed, Luna dispatched each assailant, employing a combination of swift strikes and calculated maneuvers. With a final, decisive blow, she left them incapacitated on the ground, securing her victory.

Luna gripped the armored man by his collar, her eyes fixed on him with unwavering intensity. "How did you steal Azure's soul pet?" she demanded, her voice tinged with urgency.

The man, his expression twisted with defiance, refused to answer, instead muttering curses under his breath. Luna's lip curled in distaste, but she remained resolute.

"Farewell," Luna uttered, her tone cold and final. She drew her sword, its sheath still intact, poised to strike.

But before she could deliver the blow, a voice intervened, urging her to halt. Luna paused, turning to the source of the voice, a woman standing nearby.

"I know how," the woman declared, her gaze fixed on Luna. She pointed to a ring adorning the man's finger. "Take the ring. That's where the stolen soul pets are stored," she explained, her voice steady despite the tension in the air.

Luna's eyes widened in realization as she glanced at the ring. Without hesitation, she reached out and removed it from the man's finger, her movements swift and decisive.

Turning her attention back to the woman, Luna realized it was Azure's companion, battered and bruised. With a surge of urgency, Luna rushed to her side, offering her support.

Utilizing the Phoenix's power, Luna channeled healing energy into Azure's companion, her wounds fading away under Luna's focused attention. Grateful, Azure's companion expressed her thanks, her voice filled with relief and gratitude.

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