The damn dam

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The air around me was still and quiet aside from my soft breathing as I pulled my duvet tightly around my body. I wasn't freezing anymore, but I still felt the effects. My bones and muscles ached from the constant shivering. Once we had gotten back to the base, and I was checked over by a medic, I went straight to my room to put some warm pajamas on and curl up in bed.

My door clicked softly as it opened. I turned my head to see Simon standing there, his brown eyes bore into me with an intensity that caught me off guard. He sighed softly and stepped inside, closing the door behind himself. Once the door was shut, he walked over to my bed. Wordlessly, I pulled back the covers slightly, inviting him in.

Simon climbed in behind me and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. I turned over and rested my head against his bare chest. His hands clung to the fabric of my t-shirt and his head was resting on top of mine. I sighed softly as I pushed myself closer to him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, his low voice rumbled in his chest.

"Okay. Less cold." I said

"Good. scared me." Simon said almost hesitantly

"I'm Sorry, Si." I said

"It wasn't your fault." Simon sighed as he pressed his lips into my hair and breathed softly.

"Thank you." I muttered quietly into the night air

"What for?" Simon asked

"For warming me up when I was cold, for being here." I said

"I'll always be here, you don't have to thank me for that." Simon said gently as he killed my head

The two of us lay together, just enjoying each other's company. His body heat warmed me up from the inside out, chasing away the lasting effects of the mild hypothermia I had experienced earlier in the day.


The loud sound of rushing water echoed in my ears as water tumbled down the side of the massive dam. I grabbed onto the railing with my free hand and lent over slightly, staring down at the massive drop.

My heart clenched slightly as I watched the water rush down the concrete. I'm not afraid of heights, as a pilot that would be wildly inconvenient, but the thought of tumbling down without my parachute didn't fill me with glee. Luckily for me however, I had one strapped to my back, so I didn't have to worry about it. I guess my worry for the mission was causing my mind to run wild with worry.

It's not like we were jumping down that side anyway, we had to make our way down to the water on the other side to stop the Konni's from blowing the entire thing to pieces.

"Watcher-1, bravo-7. We're at our primary set points." Simon brought me out of my thoughts

"Be advised, Konni personnel are grouping near multiple locations below you." Laswell said

"Security for the demolition team." Johnny said from above us on a different platform

"Likely protecting the target areas." Simon replied

"Affirmative. Find the charges and get them disarmed. Too many lives are at stake to fail. Watcher out." Laswell stated

"I'm moving on the reservoir. Good hunting down there, L.T. And, Luna?" Johnny asked

"What?" I asked him as I adjusted my grip on my gun

"The moons full tonight, try to keep your focus." Johnny said with a laugh in his voice

"Ha ha." I deadpanned

"Ladies first." Simon said, heating to the ledge

"Age before beauty." I said with a teasing grin.

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