A rude awakening

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My eyes shot wide open at the sound of a quiet, indistinct thud. I slowly sat up in my bed and listened intently for any other sounds, even though I had securely locked my flat before going to sleep, it still didn't stop the erratic beating of my heart.

A minute passed and no noises followed. I sighed softly and flopped back down onto my bed, I must be imagining things. I tried to close my eyes again, to try and relax and go back to sleep, but it was to no avail. My brain was on fight or flight mode and it wouldn't turn off. Hoping to ease my fear, I opened my bedside table drawer and pulled out my semi-automatic pistol. Even though I don't usually require a side arm due to being a pilot, it still made me feel better.

I then tapped on the screen of my phone to check the time. It was 3:45 am, not the most ideal time to be waking up. I had one notification on my phone screen, a message from my brother Johnny. I sleepily picked up the phone and read over the message. "Still in Mexico, things are a bit crazy here. I'll call you when I get the chance."

I turned my phone off and placed it back on my bedside table beside my gun. I'll reply to him in the morning when my thoughts are more coherent. Though it did make me feel better that he had messaged me, I hadn't heard from him in a few days, the last I had heard he was crossing into Mexico with a lieutenant. I didn't know the details of the mission, but I don't think things were going too well for them.

Just as I started to drift off to sleep again, another noise echoed throughout my flat, only this time it was far louder as my bedroom door was flung open. My hand immediately went for the gun on my bedside table as I shot up in bed. My fingers wrapped around the handle of the gun as five men in military clothing burst into the door. Their outfits were completely black and I briefly noticed the American flag that was embroidered on their vests.

I pushed back the duvet and aimed my weapon at the man who entered first. I felt the smallest tinge of guilt try to rise up over my fear as I squeezed the trigger and got the man on his shoulder. He grunted and fell back, landing against my bedroom wall.

"Son of a..." one of the men yelled as he aimed his gun towards me

"Wait. Boss said to take her in alive." One of the other men put his hand on the man's arm. He grunted angrily as he reluctantly lowered his gun.

I clenched my jaw as I kept my gun trained on the man who had raised his gun at me. I tightened my grip on the handle of the gun to try and stop my hands from shaking. I took in a deep breath and pushed myself up from my bed. My finger itched to pull the trigger but before I could, my gun was knocked out of my hand by one of the men. I grunted in annoyance as my heart jolted painfully in my chest.

The man who had raised his gun at me quickly stepped forward and grabbed a hold of my arm. I bit down on the side of my cheek to stop myself from whimpering at the pain. I quickly swung my free arm towards his head. Just as my fist made contact with the man's head something sharp stuck into the side of my neck. I gasped harshly and turned my head to see another man holding an empty syringe in his hand.

I tried to fight some more but my head started to spin. I grunted as the man in front of me wrapped his arms around me tightly so I couldn't move my arms. The world around me started to blur and I could feel my eyes starting to close. I wanted to curse at the men who had done this to me but I couldn't get my mouth to work.

The colors of the world started to swirl In my vision as my legs became numb and gave out from under me. My head felt fuzzy as my vision turned black and everything fell quiet.


Time felt like it was moving slowly and quickly at the same time as I floated in an eternal void of unconsciousness. I briefly woke up for a moment but my vision was so hazy that I couldn't make out my location, I felt another painful jab and I quickly lost consciousness again.

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