Prison break

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The darkness of the night sky covered our position as we parked the armored vehicle close to the facility. The place had been locked down by shadows but so far none of them had spotted us. Rodolfo stood in the back of the vehicle, collecting the items that we would need, while Johnny and Ghost stood at either side of me.

"Graves'll have this place locked down." Rodolfo said as he handed Ghost his bag.

"Expect patrols on the outside." Ghost said. Rodolfo handed me a black backpack which I took with a smile.

"No doubt." Johnny replied as he took a large gray backpack from Rodolfo.

"We geared up?" Ghost asked

"Guns, ammo and charges in the packs." Johnny replied

"I've got the plummet gun. Ascenders?" Rodolfo asked as he held a massive gun in his hands.

"Check." Ghost and Johnny practically said as the same time

"Check." I added

"You sure you're ready for this, Luna?" Johnny asked

"Yeah." I nodded as I clutched the rifle in my hands.

"Good. Let's hope Alejandro's alive." Johnny said

"Count on it." Rodolfo Said, trying to lighten the mood and give us some hope.

"On me." Ghost said as he took the lead. The four of us walked forwards in the general direction of the base. I found myself wanting to stay close to both Johnny and Ghost, feeling slightly nervous for my first field operation.

"Turn left." Rodolfo said. Once we turned left there was a trail that was leading down into the mountains towards the base.

"Trail." Ghost stated

"Let's follow it." Rodolfo said

"Rudy, how long have ya known Alejandro?" Johnny asked as we started to walk down the trail.

"20 years. Signed up together. Toughest dude in the regiment." Rudy replied

"I wouldn't want to mess with him." Johnny stated. I hadn't really met Alejandro, but from our brief encounter and the way they talk about him, I couldn't help but agree.

"We used to say 'el unico que puede matar a Alejandro es Alejandro." Rodolfo said in Spanish. We turned right and ran further down the mountain. I found myself watching Ghosts back as he ran just ahead of me, after our last encounter with shadows, I can't help but feel safer with him around.

"What's it mean?" Ghost asked gruffly

"The only thing that can kill Alejandro, is Alejandro." Rudy translated

"Glad he's on our side." Johnny said

"A huevo." Rudy said in response

We walked around another corner and found that there was a large drop to get to the next part of the path. Ghost and Rudy jumped down first, the two men groaned as they landed heavily on the rocky ground. I moved closer to the edge of the cliff and looked down. I decided to bend down and sit on the side so the fall would hurt less. I took in a deep breath and pushed myself off the edge, jumping down just before Johnny.

I grunted slightly as I landed on the rocky ground below. My foot landed funny on the uneven ground, causing me to almost lose my balance. Before I could topple over however, a strong hand grabbed onto my upper arm and steadied me. I looked up to see Ghost's mask staring back at me.

"Thanks." I said with a small smile. Ghost nodded in response and turned to start walking again.

As the four of us came around the next corner I spotted several bright lights that illuminated the dark sky.

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