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My heart hammered painfully in my chest as I pushed my back up against a stone wall In a darkened side street. The masked man and I had managed to make it out of the woods and into a city, though I still don't know where we are. I took in a few deep breaths to try and steady my breathing and my heart rate.

"Thank you. You saved my life." I said quietly as my breathing started to even out

"Don't mention it." The man said gruffly with a curt nod

"We have to be careful, Graves has shadows all over the place." The masked man said again as he pushed himself off the wall

"Shadows?" I questioned as he started to walk down the alleyway. I followed closely behind him

"Graves men." The man replied

"Right." I nodded as we walked to the end of the alleyway. I peered out at the dimly lit street. "Where are we?"

"México." The man replied. My eyes widened as I looked around, I was in Scotland and now I'm in Mexico. That's got to be the longest flight I've ever been on and I wasn't even awake for it.

"The way forward is clear. We should head to the church and try to contact Johnny." The man said as he turned right and started to walk down the street. My heart dropped in my chest at the thought of my brother, I can only hope that he is okay.

"Okay." I said as I followed closely behind him. The world fell silent as we stalked through the streets. Most of the buildings had their blinds closed and their doors locked. I don't even know what time it is but I can tell that it's pretty late.

"What's your name?" I asked quietly

"Ghost." He replied. I nodded in response even though he couldn't see me, ghost was a fitting name for him.

We came up to another corner and Ghost threw his arm out to stop me from walking. I froze in my tracks as he looked around the corner to check for any shadows.

Ghost briefly turned his head towards me and held up his gloved hand, showing me 2 fingers. I swallowed thickly as he turned stealthily around the corner. I creeped forward to try and get a better look as Ghost jammed his Knife into the first shadows neck. The man fell to the ground which caught the attention of the second shadow, he spun on his heels but before he could raise his gun Ghost threw his knife into his chest, causing the man to topple backwards and fall to the ground.

I let out a sigh of relief as I came around the corner to stand beside him. My eyes were darting around the area looking for any more threats, I was so focused that I almost jumped when Ghost's hand appeared in my peripheral vision. I glanced over at him and saw that he was holding a long tactical knife in his hand. He nodded towards it and held it further towards me. I reached out and hesitantly took a hold of the knife, my fingers wrapped around the plastic blade and it made me feel a little safer.

"You know how to use one?" Ghost asked me as he started to walk again

"Yeah, I do." I replied as I tightened my grip on the handle and followed after him.

As we were walking down the street, the outline of two men appeared in the distance, lurking in the darkness up ahead. Ghost grabbed my arm and pulled me into somebody's house. We seemed to have entered the people's garage. There was a car along with several potted plants and tools. My eyes trailed down to the floor where a man lay dead. Blood pooled around his body and my heart jolted in my chest at the sight, he looked to be a civilian.

"Come on, we need to keep moving." Ghost said in an uncharacteristically soft voice. I nodded and dragged my gaze away from the dead man.

Ghost turned to the door on our right and slowly started to open it, he stuck his head through before he fully opened it, making sure that no one was hiding behind it. I followed closely behind Ghost as we walked down the hallway and towards the living room. It was obvious from the decor and the items that were scattered around the place that this was somebody's home.

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