A close call

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We had messed up. We had messed up badly. I looked over the railing with wide eyes as green smoke emerged from one of the fallen canisters. The captain and I had tried to shoot down the chopper that was taking a package, unfortunately for us, the contents were now bursting free and polluting the air. I don't know what this gas is or what it does, and quite frankly I don't want to find out.

And the worst part of it all, was that the doors had now locked. We were stuck inside the reactor with no visible escape route. Guess that's what happens when your captain wants to keep an eye on you for your first official mission.

"Funkin hell! All stations, Konni is extracting chemical weapons!" Price exclaimed over the coms. He then moved towards the stairs and beckoned me to follow him, we have to get to higher ground if we have any chance of avoiding the strange green gas that is slowly getting bigger.

"Konni's taking the gas out on that helo! We're gonna lose them!" Gaz said

"Watcher, can you track em?" Ghost asked over the coms. It was nice to hear his voice, but I would never admit to that out loud. Ever.

"On it. Ghost, stand by..." Laswell replied

"This is six! Reactors's sealed! We're Locked in!" Price called over the coms to the others

"Six, ISR shows Konni Personal entering the reactor." Laswell said

"Excellent. Because we aren't in enough shit already." I said sarcastically

"Find cover! We're on our way!" Gaz said

Men began to storm the platform above us, just as Laswell had warned. I found cover behind a couple of crates and aimed my sniper rifle towards the upper platform. I shot at as many as I could, Everytime I had someone in my sights, I pulled the trigger.

"I didn't have to deal with this when I was a pilot!" I called out to Price over the sound of gun fire.

"Konni wasn't after nuclear material." Gaz said over the coms

"Never were." Ghost Said

"Chems were stashed here..." Johnny said

The gas was creeping closer and closer, causing Price and I to have to move up the stairs to avoid the chemical gas. The upper floor has no cover whatsoever.

"We're exposed up here. We need to move." Price said

"Take cover, captain. We're almost there." Gaz said

"There's no cover up here!" Price said

"We're exposed!" I added as I continued to fire on the enemy

"Fuck the high ground." Price suddenly said as he got up and went down the stairs, exposing himself to a little bit of the green gas cloud.

"Captain, no!" I called out over the gun fire. I stayed where I was, and I can't tell if it was a mistake not. It definitely didn't feel like the brightest idea when a bullet cut through the air and pierced my shoulder.

I cried out in pain, but didn't let go of my gun. My shoulder was in agony as I tried to continue shooting. I could feel blood soaking through my shirt and running down my skin.

"Captain, Luna! We're up top!" Gaz suddenly called out. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Grab the rope." Simon said over the coms. I looked up to see a rope fall in front of us, the helicopter was above the open roof of the reactor.

I hesitated for a moment before I pulled out my clip and attached it to the rope. Once it was attached, I began to zip upwards, only holding on with one hand. The gas was nipping at my heels as I went upwards, I looked down to see Price following after me.

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