Chapter 29- Lake Laogai (part 2)

Start from the beginning

Long Feng frowned as he watched this happen. Despite my near-death experience, I wasted no time in my next attack. The water that Long Feng had blocked still lay on the floor next to the earthbending master, but he seemed to have forgotten about it. I got into my waterbending stance and controlled the water next to him so that it wrapped around his body multiple times, as if it were a snake constricting its prey. I smirked at the look of shock on Long Feng's face as the long stream of water snaked across his body. Then, I used temperature regulation to quickly boil the water that grasped him, and even from a few metres away I could see the steam start to form in the air as the water rapidly heated up. The look of concern on Long Feng's face became more evident as he saw, and most likely felt, what was happening. He began to shout as the water got hotter and hotter, which, to my demise, attracted the attention of three nearby Dai Li agents that were fighting Katara. The agents rushed towards me to rescue their leader, and I let out a grunt of frustration as it dawned on me that I wouldn't be able to boil Long Feng until he cried for it to stop. Nonetheless, I used the water that constricted the earthbender so that it threw him forcefully far across the room. Surely that must hurt.

I turned my attention towards the three Dai Li agents that now surrounded me in a triangle formation. They took steps towards me, trying to close me in, as I circled a stream of water around my body defensively. In the distance, behind one of their heads, I could see Sokka throwing a boomerang at an unrelated agent. This gave me a genius idea.

"Sokka!" I yelled over the commotion to get his attention. "Throw me the boomerang!" I shouted, and he gave me a puzzled look before following my command. The boomerang sliced through the air and accurately approached me. The Dai Li agents that surrounded me had obviously heard my yell, and were able to duck under the gliding boomerang, but that was exactly what I wanted. I flung my stream of water towards the boomerang, catching in it midair, and wrapping the water around it. Then, with my newly created weapon, I swung the whip of water, which had the boomerang attached at the end, at the Dai Li agents. They all gasped as I violently swung the long boomerang mace around my body, and they stumbled as they tried to avoid it. I continued flailing around the mace, making forceful contact with one of the agent's chests, sending him flying backwards and to the floor, where he lay motionless. Then I swung at the second agent's head, which he narrowly ducked under. But this was just a flank attack, as I then masterfully controlled the mace to wrap around the agent's legs, holding them together as if he were bound by rope. Now constricted by the mace, I slammed the agent's body against the nearby earth wall, and he immediately collapsed to the ground. I hoped he wasn't dead, but quite frankly I didn't really care that much if he was.

Throughout the commotion of taking out the first two agents, I had completely forgotten about the third. I was harshly reminded when a giant earthy hand grabbed the back of my shirt's collar and tugged me towards the Da Li agent. He held me there, with an arm around my neck, as he stood behind me while I struggled to get out. It didn't take long until I was struggling for oxygen, and it certainly didn't help that the agent's arm was pushing against Kyana's necklace that hung around my neck, digging it into my skin painfully. I desperately tried thrashing and kicking at the guy behind me, but it was too difficult to reach him. The best I could manage was pathetically stomping on his boot, to no avail. I took a quick moment to clear my thoughts as I slowly suffocated, trying not to panic and to think of something. All of my water had splashed helplessly on the ground a moment ago on a different side of the room, and I wasn't able to get control of it. There was no liquid for me to bend... except I noticed that, in the intense heat of the fight, the palm of my hands were sweaty. Without thinking twice, I heated up the sweat in my hand. Despite there not being much fluid, my hands still heated up to an extremely hot temperature, although I couldn't feel the pain of the burning. As I continued to struggle with the agent behind me, I reached my arms behind my head and placed my boiling hot palms on the face of the Dai Li agent. He roared in pain and, after a few more moments of pressing my hand into his face, he instinctively released his grip on me. Instantly I turned to face him, and I saw a red handprint cover his face. Fuelled with pain and anger, he swung a fist at me in rage, though I simply grabbed his wrist, pulled him off balance, and swiftly kicked my foot into his chest, sending him backwards. He lay still in defeat.

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