Old Friends, Old Problems Pt.2

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"Yes, I did." Gigi narrowed her eyes in confusion to why she wasn't being taken seriously. "My friend from class as a dog named Cooper that she sometimes calla Coop. And since Coop is a girl, and likes to called a dog names wouldn't that make her a bit-" 

"Hey, watch yourself." Olivia shut down Gigi's rant before it went any further. "Children do not talk like that." 

"But I heard Grandma Lolo use that word all the time. She even told me what it means; a female dog. And if Coop is a girl with a dog name that makes her a bit-" She never got to finish her statement because Olivia's hand slapped over her small lips, halting Gracianna's words. 

"Kids say the darnest things, huh?" Simone laughed aloud as Coop forcibly held her tongue with a half-heartedly smile, feeling Patience squeeze her hand in warning. 

"Don't worry, we know she is probably a really inquisitive kid." Pateince tried to break the tension. "She probably says random things alot." 

"Or repeat whatever she heats at home..." Coop grumbled under her breath, causing Simone to narrow her eyes at her. 

"I am sure that whatever she hears at home she believes them to be true." Simone retorted sassily on her goddaughter's behalf. 

"Stop it!" Olivia abruptly choked out, as her daughter wiggled from under her grasp, licking the palm of her hand vigorously to get Olivia fo remove her hand. 

"Why did you do that?" Gracianna sulked, crossed her small arms and slouching in her chair. 

Rolling her eyes at her blunt daughter, Olivia focused on the group of women. "She's grumpy, and probably needs a nap." 

Simone cracked a smirk, "Little Shay use to be the exact same way." 

"Oh, yeah how is he, Simone? How old is he now?" Patience inquired, stirring the subject change. 

"He's 13 going on 30." Simone chuckled, taking a bite of her food. 

"Time really flies. I remember when he was just a little rugrat waddling around the Baker house. That was until she up and left to Atlanta, though. You left and never looked back." Coop chimed in, before slipping a fork full of spaghetti into her mouth. 

"How are things for you in the ATL, Sisi? Last I heard you were settling down with that fine chocolate man, you brought home that Thanksgiving. What was his name, landon?" Pateince asked, biting into her taco. 

"It's Lando. And we aren't really together at the moment." Simone  sneered as if a bad taste hit her tongue. 

"Trouble in paradise?"  Layla quipped, prodding at her former friend. 

"Layla don't." Olivia warned, "We are here so that things aren't awkward at the party....to break the ice." 

"I simply asking as a friend who knows Simone's history of bad relationships. One minute, she's into a guy, the next she is up and leaving him." Layla stated cooly, sipping her drink to hide her smirk. 

"You want to discuss your messy past between you, her and my brother do it while my kid isn't in earshot." Olivia instructed. 

"Your kid seems to have heard worse based on the way she was talking about me." Coop gathered harshly, defending Layla off the rip. 

"She's seven, curious and likes to ask questions to no end. I didn't repeat what she heard. She heard your name and made a connect." Olivia immediately defended her daughter. "And even if she had heard me or my mom call you a female dog, it would have been for good reasoning," She added, scanning Coop up and down eerily. 

Don't Let Us GoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora