Jason The Toymaker Summoning

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Note: You will need a doll, 5 candles, a knife and matches for this summoning.

Note: Make sure you're alone at home while doing this summoning.

Step 1: Go to your room and turn off all the lights. 

Step 2: Make a circle around you with candles and then light them.

Step 3: Cut a little scratch on your arm to make youself bleed. 

NOTE: Please don't hurt yourself badly. You only need one drop of blood.

Step 4: Put one drop of your blood on each of the eyes and the mouth of the doll. After you have done all of these, chant "Jason the Toymaker appear before me. You want me to be." Then you will hear a laughter and someone saying "Your call." It's him. Each candle will go out one by one. 


This one is very dangerous. This may even end your life. Please be carefull and make sure if you really want this or not!

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