Episode 9

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"Just shoot him already!" Alessandro snarled, the moment he entered the torture room in the basement of his casino and leaned against the doorway, his dark eyes gazing with nothing but boredom in them.

The Morozov bastard was strapped to the metal chair in the middle of the dimly lit room, his head hanging low. He had passed out from the pain. Again. Alessandro rubbed his temple. What was the point of torturing a man who couldn't take a little beating? The fucker was weak.

Too weak to waste his precious time on.

He looked at Enzo. "Give him some water. I want him awake when I come back."

Enzo nodded. "Yes, boss."

Alessandro spared the Morozov one last glance before he turned on his heels and walked out of the torture room, rubbing his temples again. He had a splitting headache. A side effect of having to deal with Victoria and her bullshit. He needed a drink. Maybe two.

Fuck. He wanted to kill that woman. If only she wasn't his wife, and she didn't have that one thing that could fuck him up for a lifetime. The evidence of one of his biggest mistakes.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, pushing Victoria to the back of his mind. He had more pressing matters to attend to. Matteo was at school. Alessandro had to keep him safe. Safe from that bitch and her snake-like kids. They were getting too close to his boy. Too fucking close. And he couldn't allow that.

He wouldn't allow that.

He didn't know Tony or that annoying girl any better than he knew a stranger on the street, but Alessandro knew snakes when he saw them. Victoria's kids were nothing but goddamn vipers.


Alessandro glanced to the side, finding Viktor approaching him with a file in his hand. Alessandro raised his brow, waiting for the man to continue.

"A fight broke out at the Eastside club. We stopped it before it could escalate, but the place needs to be cleaned up."

Alessandro clenched his jaws. What was the point of hiring armed men if they couldn't handle a simple brawl? He snatched the file from Viktor's hand, flipped it open and stared at the photos.

"Who started it?"

Viktor cleared his throat. "Some college kids, I guess."

Alessandro frowned. College kids? In his club? That was new. "Were they drunk?"

Viktor shook his head. "I don't think so."

Alessandro huffed, flipping another photo. One of the youngsters looked oddly familiar. He couldn't remember where he had seen him, but he looked like someone who shouldn't be messing with the Romanos. Alessandro closed the file, handing it back to Viktor. "Send someone to pay them a visit."

"And what do we tell them?"

Alessandro glared at him. Was Viktor stupid? Why the fuck would he want to talk to a bunch of college brats? They were nobodies. They weren't worth their time. "Tell them to stay the fuck away from my clubs."

Viktor nodded, finally understanding the gravity of the situation and the problems he might get into if continued to pester an already pissed-off boss. "Understood."

Alessandro waved him off, pulling out his phone from his pocket. When he reached his office cabin, Enzo, his right hand, followed right behind, looking all sweaty and exhausted. Alessandro had to hold himself back from rolling his eyes. What was the point of torturing a man if you couldn't handle a few punches? Enzo was getting weaker by the day. It seemed like he needed a replacement soon.

Alessandro sat on his leather chair, leaning back and sighing tiredly. He needed a break. Just for a day or two. Victoria was driving him insane. Her bullshit was exhausting.

But he couldn't leave his boy alone with that toxic woman either. Even if he warned his son to keep to himself and stay as far away as possible from that witch and her spawns, Alessandro still didn't trust her. Victoria was a sneaky bitch. She would do anything to get what she wanted. He had to be there, guarding Matteo like a hawk.

But he also needed a vent. Fuck. He really needed to blow some steam off. And he knew exactly where to go. Alessandro scrolled through his contact list, stopping at the name of a particular redhead who always knew how to help him relieve some stress. She knew his taste, and the last woman he sent him was absolutely perfect. Maybe he should give her another call.

Before he could dial the number, a knock on the door interrupted him. Alessandro looked up to find one of his other man—what was his name again? Salvatore? Something?—standing near the door. What now? Couldn't that bastard see that he was busy?

Salvatore cleared his throat, his eyes darting anywhere but Alessandro. "Boss, bad news. Morozov is dead."

Alessandro scowled. "What?"

"I tried waking him up like you ordered, but he's not breathing. I think he choked on his own blood."

That did it. Alessandro lost it completely. It became rather apparent that he wouldn't go another day without a fucking break.

"You know what to do right?" He asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Salvatore swallowed, and nodded. "Yeah?"

"Then do the damn job and get the fuck out of here!"

Salvatore flinched, quickly backing away from his desk. Alessandro waited until he left the office before he picked up the phone. It was time for a break.

He needed one. Desperately.

* * *

An hour later, a young girl ran out of the room, clutching her phone to her chest.

Inside, Alessandro was fuming on the phone. He was still fully dressed but looked anything but relieved. "Are you fucking with me, Electra?"

Electra, the owner of one of the most successful brothels in the city, sighed. "You know I don't joke around, Alessandro. I'm sorry, but I sent you the one you asked for. I don't know what more you want."

"I want someone who knows how to suck a dick!" Alessandro yelled, slamming his fist on the nightstand. "And that girl isn't the one you sent last time. Who the fuck was she?"

Electra sighed again, sounding all too exasperated. "Look, Alessandro. I'm sorry about the mistake, but I swear she's the one I sent you. Are you sure she's not the one you asked for?"

"I'm sure as fuck that she's not the one I asked for. I know what I fucking want."

"Alright, alright. Don't lose your shit. I'll send someone else."

"I want the same girl. And if she's not here in an hour, I'll burn down your fucking whorehouse."

Alessandro ended the call, throwing his phone away. He was in the mood for some rough sex, but he couldn't even get that right. Fucking Electra. She was getting old. Old and useless. Alessandro rubbed his temples.

This was all because of that bitch Victoria. She was making him so stressed. So fucking stressed. If he hadn't married her, he would have never been in this mess. Alessandro had no idea why he thought marrying that woman would be a good idea. Oh, wait, he knew. She fucking blackmailed him into marriage. She knew something that no one did. And until he found a way to get rid of that fucking piece of evidence, she would always have the upper hand.

Damn it.

The sound of knocking pulled him out of his thoughts. Alessandro frowned, wondering who the hell it could be.

Electra better send the right girl this time. Alessandro had every intention to kill that bitch if she didn't.

A/N: It would be nice to see some comments and likes. Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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