Episode 5

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"I don't understand the meaning of this," Penny frowned, glaring at her shimmering white dress. "Why the hell am I dressing up on your fucking birthday? It makes no sense."

Penny was pretty sure none of the logic that came out of Macy's mouth had ever made any sense. Yet, she found herself asking and waiting for an explanation anyway. If only to satisfy her curiosity. Or, well, maybe it was her sanity she was trying to protect. It was hard to tell at that point of time.

Macy, her best friend, merely rolled her eyes and dragged her away from the car park towards the entrance of the cafe bar she had booked for her birthday party. "Isn't that obvious?" She walked backwards, letting a cute grin pass her perfectly painted lips. "Because you never freaking dress up on yours, and it's super annoying. How are you going to get any guys to like you if you don't put in a little effort?"

It was Penny's turn to roll her eyes. "Did you just mildly insult me on your birthday, knowing well that I can't hit you?" She raised a brow, absolutely confident that was the case.

Macy chuckled, leading Penny through the cafe bar's entrance. "Oh, please! You know I only speak the truth, and besides, it's my birthday. I get a pass for honesty today."

Penny shook her head in mock disbelief but couldn't help but smile. They had been friends since college, and yes, it was also true that Penny never really made a huge deal out of her birthday. It was just another day, she would say, and continue with what she would be doing. But the truth was she hadn't celebrated her birthday since her father died. She didn't feel like it. Her dad used to throw a party for her for as long as she could remember, and she started to believe that with him gone now, the right to celebrate her day was gone too. It was all in her head, of course, but she never could think of an explanation good enough to fight the other one off.

As they entered the lively atmosphere of the cafe bar, Penny took a moment to appreciate the effort Macy had put into organizing the celebration. The place was adorned with colorful decorations, and the chatter of friends and laughter filled the air. Macy, still grinning, guided Penny toward a reserved area where a group of their friends had gathered.

Penny recognized almost all the faces from their college, and the ones she couldn't, she assumed were either family or friends from school or the neighborhood. Though there was one person she was surely surprised to see again. The moment Penny realized who the guy was, she was quick to turn around and curse her fate.

"Shit! What the hell is he doing here?"

Penny had dated David Fisher in high school and had always done a good job of avoiding him ever since. Not because they had an ugly breakup, but because they didn't have any.

Shit! She should have known this would come back to bite her in the ass one day. She should have seen this coming. God, what was she supposed to do now? How should she act? Everything was so awkward all of a sudden. Maybe she should make up an excuse and leave the hell out. Macy was her best friend; once she told her everything, as a friend, she would understand her reasoning.

Or maybe not.

It was her birthday for fuck's sake! Macy would probably never forgive her for skipping.

"Penny, over here," she heard Macy loud and clear, calling her over to introduce her to the group she was hanging out with. "You remember Ashley, don't you? We went camping together in the first year."

Penny let out a heavy sigh. There was no other choice. No matter how badly she wanted to, there was no way she could avoid this. Not with Macy screaming for her like that.

David probably heard her already—one had to be deaf to ignore her friend's happy squeals.

Resigned, Penny walked over to where Macy was enthusiastically waiting. She put on a smile, suppressing the discomfort bubbling within her. She felt eyes on her, and while she did everything in her power to avoid catching sight of David already staring, she failed and ended up locking eyes with him.

Great. Just great.

David smiled, the corner of his mouth pulling up in a smirk. To her greatest surprise, he raised a glass at her before turning around and facing his buddy again.

Wait. Did he just...

"Penny!" Before she could complete her thought, Macy grabbed her arm and dragged her to the group.

* * *

"You didn't have to do that," Penny said apologetically and maybe a little awkwardly.

And why shouldn't she be? This was not how she imagined her night to be.

Macy's birthday party was a huge success; they had a lot of fun, played many drinking games. But minutes before they were ready to wrap up everything and say their goodbyes, a fight broke out between two guys, and soon enough, everyone was running for cover. Macy and Penny made a quick exit just before the cops showed up and nabbed the brawlers, looking worse for wear.

The only problem? Macy lost her car keys in the commotion, and suddenly they were stuck without a ride or cash to get home. Penny was ready to call her brother, Tony, but before she could, David offered to help them out.

They had already dropped Macy off at her home, and now it was Penny's turn.

David smirked, pulling up the car in front of the gates of her new home. He turned to face her, fingers curled on the steering wheel. "Don't be like that, Montez," he assured her, reminding her of the time when they used to date. Even then, he was the most understanding guy. Perhaps that's why she couldn't build up the courage to break up with him. She had liked him and hated the idea of hurting him.

Penny fiddled with the hem of her dress, staring at the gates and the huge mansion looming ahead. "Like what?"

"Like you would want this any other way," he said, and she couldn't help but turn and face him.

Now that she had the chance to look at him up close, she could tell he had grown up to be a ridiculously handsome man. He was taller, bulkier, and a hell lot more charming. He had the same dimpled smile and those blue eyes she always loved to gaze into.

"You're not mad at me..." she trailed, hoping he would understand what she was talking about.

He did, and that made another smile slide to his plush lips. "I was. But not anymore. I'm sure you had your reasons."

"I'm sure you wondered what those reasons could be."

"You bet your ass I did."

She chuckled. "So, what did you come up with?" She didn't know why, but she was curious about his answer. She wanted to know the places his mind went when she disappeared on him.

His gaze softened for a moment before he was grinning again. "Well, my first thought was that you won the lottery and decided to live the high life without me."

Penny laughed, feeling a bit more at ease. "And then?"

"Then, I figured you joined some secret spy agency and had to go undercover."

"Really? A spy?"

"Why not? You always did have that mysterious vibe about you."

Penny shook her head, amused. "Not even close."

"Well, then you can always tell me when you're ready," he said, and Penny found her laughter dim down. A long silence existed between them before he continued, "I heard from my father about your dad's passing. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for you..."

He was right; her dad's demise had taken a toll on her. She shut everyone out, and when she got the chance, she left, not even caring to say goodbye to anyone. Not even the guy she had dated for three long years. David was practically her childhood sweetheart, not that any of this mattered anymore. She was a different person now, a lot more different than she used to be.

Suddenly, her throat was tight with emotions, and her eyes stung with tears. Breaking down in front of him was the last thing on her mind.

Penny unclasped the seat belt and pushed open the door. "Thanks for the ride, David. I owe you one."

The guards opened the gates, and Penny ran inside. She heard David calling for her, but she did not dare to turn even once. The pain was too much. She needed to find a corner in her room and grieve the parent she had lost.

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