Episode 4

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"This is not fair, Alessandro," Victoria shouted, staring at her new husband as he walked away. "You can't just walk away like that. Do you hear me? If you believe you can do whatever you want and I'll just play the obedient wife, you've seriously misunderstood things."

Alessandro halted in his steps, his gaze hardening at the door of their bedroom, wondering how easy it would be to just walk out right now.

It had only been a week since they got married, and this absolutely annoying woman was already throwing tantrums. It wasn't as if he was afraid of her temper; the problem was she was way too loud for her own good, and letting his son catch even a hint of animosity between the newly-wedded couple was the last thing on his mind.

His son didn't know this marriage was a farce. He was under the impression his father had finally decided to settle down and provide his fourteen-year-old self with the one thing he never had: a mother.

Alessandro might have had his reasons to agree to this pointless alliance, but deep down, he didn't want to disappoint the only person he cared for.

With his hand shoved deep into the pocket of his pants, he sighed, pinching the bridge of the nose with the other. "What the fuck do you even want from me?"

He couldn't even be bothered to turn around and spare her a glance. Not because she wasn't a beautiful woman per se, but because her sight disgusted him regardless. She was an eyesore he wanted nothing to do with. If only wishes had wings...

Victoria scowled at his ignorance, stomping over to him and blocking the door. Her long, dark hair swayed, and short tendrils brushed against those high cheekbones. Her makeup looked perfect as usual, while her dark brown eyes held frustration that he had already gotten used to.

"I want what I deserve as your wife," she gritted out.

"And what is that?"

"A fucking honeymoon, Alessandro! That's what I deserve, and what you owe me"

Alessandro had tried to be patient every time she brought up the very subject, but Victoria Montez was one stubborn woman who didn't know how to take a hint. Wasn't it obvious he wasn't interested in her, let alone spending millions on a vacation that seemed rather useless?

"The last time I checked, I don't owe you anything."

"But you do," she kept pushing. "I'm your wife now. You can't deny me the most basic thing every woman deserves after a wedding. You keep forgetting that I have a darn reputation in this society, Alessandro. I don't care if you can't be bothered to worry about it, but I won't let you ruin it just because you can't care less."

She crossed her arms defiantly, challenging him with a gaze that dared him to dismiss her demands.

Alessandro, however, remained unmoved, his expression a stoic mask. "You knew from the beginning this wasn't some fairy tale. I didn't promise you a dreamy wedding or a romantic honeymoon. This marriage is a business arrangement, and I don't see why I should waste money on frivolous things."

"Frivolous things?" She repeated, aggravated. "Are you fucking kidding me? I'll have you know, Aless—"

However, before she could raise her voice once again, he trapped her throat between his fingers and shoved her against the door. He watched as her eyes widened, her fingers trying to pry his hand off her neck. He was stronger though, no matter how much she squirmed or tried to push him away, nothing worked.

Her eyes watered when she couldn't breathe, losing her hold on the life she held so dear very quickly.

"You talk too damn loud, you know that?" he hissed near her face, his gaze growing darker. "I hate women who talk loud. Makes me want to shut them the hell up until they can't."

Victoria gasped for breath, her eyes pleading as she struggled against his unyielding grip. He eventually let her go, and she doubled over, coughing and huffing, trying to suck some damn air into her lungs.

But Alessandro wasn't finished. Not yet. He shoved her out of the way, not giving a damn as she stumbled and bumped against the foot of the bed.

Before leaving, he turned his head and spoke over his shoulder.

"In case you forget once again, let me make one thing very clear, Montez. You're not the one calling the shots here. I am. You wanted a marriage, you got one. But if you think you can control a man like me just because you have something over me, then you're the one who's mistaken. Don't force my hand, you hear me? I won't be so forgiving next time."

Alessandro stormed out of the room, leaving Victoria breathless and shaken. She clutched at the edge of the bed, coughing and trying to steady herself. The room felt suffocating, the air heavy with the weight of the reality she had willingly chosen.

Victoria Montez, however, was not one to accept defeat easily.

If Alessandro wanted to play dirty, then she'd play just as dirty as him. He didn't know her yet. If she had the guts to make a man as powerful as him dance to her tune, then one could only imagine what she could do if she played all her cards.

Alessandro Romano should have been wiser than to underestimate her. While this marriage might not hold any significance for him, for her, it served as a last resort to maintain her lavish lifestyle. And anyone would be a fool to think she would let go of it so easily.

"Don't blame me for what comes next, Alessandro," Victoria seethed, her eyes burning with vengeance. She gingerly rubbed her throat, hoping he hadn't left any visible marks on her delicate skin. "I won't let you take me for granted, you hear me? I'll teach you how to respect your fucking wife. Just wait and watch. This isn't over."

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