Chapter 8

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Matteo couldn't help but smile. It was funny how his stepmother managed to convince his dad to take a vacation. At first, he thought he would have to work extra hard to convince his stubborn father, but Victoria had done it effortlessly.

Well, almost effortlessly. His father didn't look happy. In fact, he looked like someone who was about to jump off a cliff. Matteo chuckled at the thought. It was funny seeing him so pissed off. Not that he wasn't always pissed off about something. It was just that this time around he looked even more pissed than usual.

And it made him wonder. It made him wonder hard.

"You're grinning like an idiot," his father snapped, cutting through his thoughts. "What the hell is so funny?"

Matteo bit back another grin. "Nothing, dad. Nothing at all."

He noticed the way his father's eyes narrowed, his hands tightening around the steering wheel. Matteo had to bite his inner cheek to stop himself from laughing. It was rare for him to find anything amusing, especially his father being teased by a woman.

No one messed with Alessandro Romano. No one. Well, unless they had a death wish. He could only hope Victoria knew what she was getting into. Or she did when she decided to settle down with the dangerous man his father was. Everybody thought Matteo didn't know anything. His father's people treated him as if he were some obvious teenage boy who was too dumb and horny to worry about what his father was up to. Or that he hadn't heard of the rumors about the Romanos and the Montezes.

Of course, he did. Everyone in the country knew what Alessandro Romano did for a living. A rich businessman he might appear to be, but Matteo knew the truth. He knew exactly who his father was and what he did. He was Alessandro Romano, the underworld kingpin.

* * *

Penny had always been sure that there was something wrong with Victoria. The woman was too beautiful, too arrogant, too loud, and too perfect to be normal.

Victoria was one of those people who could literally strut around in a garbage can and still make it look like haute couture. She was one of those women who took everything for granted, from expensive shoes to priceless jewellery. She was an idiotic shopping addict who would drop thousands of dollars like it was nobody's business.

And Penny had always hated her guts for that. Well, not just for that, but the whole gutsy attitude made things far worse.

"How about this one?" Her stupid mother pulled another fucking designer dress from the rack and showed it to her, her big beautiful eyes sparkling with excitement. "Doesn't it look gorgeous? Oh, I love it so much!"

Penny rolled her eyes. Of course, Victoria loved it. She freaking loved anything that was eye-catching and cost a fucking fortune. What was even the purpose of this shopping? Hadn't her mother already shopped for three months of honeymoon before the wedding even happened? Now she wanted to buy more?

Penny clenched her jaws, biting back a rude retort. She didn't know why Victoria asked her to join her in her shopping spree, but Penny was this close to walking out on her. She had zero interest in watching her mother shop for her honeymoon. It was seriously starting to feel like a nightmare. Victoria was buying everything she laid her eyes on. Forget about being practical, the woman was only thinking about how expensive and flashy the stuff she was buying was. Penny couldn't believe how Victoria could be so shallow and brainless.

"Are you even listening to me?"

Penny blinked, looking at her so-called brainless mother. "Huh?"

Victoria's lips pursed in a thin line, her brows scrunching. "Did you hear anything I just said?"

Penny shrugged. "Not really."

"Unbelievable! Here I am, trying to be a good mother and you're not even interested in what I have to say."

Excuse me? Penny thought. When did Victoria ever try to be a good mother? If Penny had a dollar for every time that woman had forgotten to pick her up from school, she would be richer than Alessandro.

Penny scoffed. "Whatever. I'm leaving."

She was about to turn around when Victoria flung the dress she was holding and shot her with the daggers of her glare. "Why can't you be happy for me?"

Penny had no clue what the hell was going on, but before she could open her mouth to say anything at all, Victoria beat her to it. "You don't think I haven't noticed the way you keep ignoring me and whatever I do? Why can't you just be happy for me, Penny? Why?"

Penny had to use every ounce of willpower she possessed to stop herself from rolling her eyes. Seriously, why was Victoria being so dramatic all of a sudden? Couldn't she see how ridiculous she was being? Penny was pretty sure that Victoria was the only one who couldn't see through her bullshit. Or maybe she did and she simply didn't care. Penny didn't know which one was worse.

Victoria shook her head, the frown deepening. "Ever since your father died, you've changed, Penny. You used to be so sweet, so nice, so kind. And now look at you!" She gestured to Penny dramatically. "You're a mess. You've become so cold, so distant. And I don't like it. I don't like it at all. Do you think your father would be happy to see you like that? Huh? Answer me, Penny!"

Penny felt the blood drain from her face, her throat squeezing painfully. Was Victoria serious right now? How could she bring her father into this? How dare she? Anger had never burned so quickly inside her before. Penny clenched her fists, glaring at the woman who was supposed to be a caring mother but was not.

"Shut up!" Penny gritted out, barely holding herself back. "Shut. Up. You have no right to talk about Dad. You're the last person to care about what he thinks. So just shut up!"

Victoria looked taken aback by her words. She widened her eyes. "What did you say?"

Penny breathed heavily, glaring daggers at the woman. "You heard me."

And then, she turned on her heels and left. 

Glad to be finally away from that toxic woman. 

Glad to be able to finally breathe.

* * *

A/N: Follow me if you haven't already. Thank you!

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