Chapter 208 - Admissions

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"I know you are leaving in five minutes and that we are technically in work time, Mr Kim, Sir, But I wanted to thank you and Jungkook for a lovely day yesterday. This is the first opportunity I have had to speak with you, Sir, so I hope that's alright... thank you."

Taehyung leans back in his chair and smiles at Stefan who is standing awkwardly in his office.

"I do appreciate your professionalism, Stefan but we could probably reserve such officialism for when other people are around in a work capacity. If we are here alone and it is not business related, please address me as you would outside."

"I will try. I value our friendship and wouldn't like to cross any lines that put either my career or our friendship in jeopardy."

"I think that I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't do that and I appreciate it. I'm pleased you enjoyed yesterday. Did you continue on the rides after we left?"

"Yes, Sir... I mean... Taehyung... yes, we did. I won a crocodile for Angel, which was so large that we had to take it back to the room."

"I enjoyed the theme park at the end of a tiring day. It was nice to spend time together. The Euphoria party was quite chaotic and Moon with my original group of friends was enjoyable but chaotic at times so it was a refreshing opportunity to spend time with the group."

"Yes, I did hear about Moon."

"The pizza?"

"Yes... and the other information you told them. I heard you spilled a lot of personal tea." Stefan grins.

"I'm a proud man, Stefan and my favourite topic of conversation is Jungkook, my new husband... so if people start such conversations, I will make the most of it." He says as he stands to put his shoes on.

"You remember? People weren't sure if you would or not."

"I remember most of it, I think. But I appreciate there could be a few blank spaces, which I blame Yoongi for. He was intent on getting us all drunk."

"Does Jungkook know that we know quite a lot about your sex life, Sir?"

"I personally haven't spoken to him about it yet but I will. Heeju mentioned the pizza story and I can only presume that if Ash knows, he will pass that on to Jungkook. It isn't a secret, I was quite unfiltered and open when Jungkook collected me so I believe he wouldn't be surprised that I was the same when in the company of my friends."

"How did it go at Vogue?"

The CEO feels a little hot under the collar as he picks up a pen from the floor. In his desperation, impatience and unadulterated neediness, he managed to insert the butt plug after bringing the correct bag up to the office. Originally he'd planned on using it after the ceremony so he was ready once they were in the honeymoon suite but he thought it could be the literal definition of torture if they went on certain rides. Plus, he was left with no choice when they were given the unexpected room to change in and all the bags were in the suite. Now, it felt like fate that everything went as it did and he had it with him.

"It was interesting. My new husband was outspoken and it was a continuation of yesterday where I felt thoroughly claimed. There are very few situations that I find more arousing and we will have to conclude this conversation once I return... I must go."

Stefan smiles, "Is there anything I can do? Help you down with your bags?"

The CEO hurries to the frosted glass door, "Providing that the building remains in one piece, just keep doing what you do, Stefan. My father will be in over the weekend and Bo-Hyun will be here early Monday morning. My father has the emergency contact details should you need me. When I say 'emergency' I mean like a scene from the movie 'Independence Day' where there is an alien spacecraft overhead. Even then, I could always set up Purple Aura in another building."

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