Chapter 206 - Vogue 2.0

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The sound of the crowing rooster...

... the moment realisation hit...

... Jungkook felt like the worst husband ever and he hadn't been married for 24 hours yet.

It took some time for consciousness to take hold and once it did, it was followed by guilt and horror. He'd apologised a lot as they packed up, no time to be had for any kind of redemption in the form of morning sex and Tom was at their door before they realised the time.

"I'll pick up dinner on my way home." Tae says, sitting beside Jungkook in the back of the car.

"I'd rather cook." he says, his mind grappling for ways to make it up to Tae.

"Let me bring food home or we can order it in and you can have the bath ready? I would like to spend a quiet evening with you before we travel tomorrow. I think we will both be tired with the flights and time difference."

Tae felt groggy when the alarm went off. He'd slept like the dead after falling asleep almost immediately, so he could hardly blame Jungkook for passing out as soon as he laid down. He hadn't realised he was that tired until he'd snuggled up beside his man and the silence of the room and the comfort of the pillow lulled him to sleep.

But he was more desperate than ever for quality time with his new husband. He didn't want Jungkook to feel bad, yet it was obvious from all the apologies that he felt bad anyway, regardless of what Tae himself, said.

"I'm sorry, Tae." He says, having lost count of the number of times he'd apologised, even after the CEO said he'd crashed too so he'd figured they were both exhausted.

"Jungkook, we were both tired. It was a long day and with hindsight, our agreement was not a good idea."

"It was the worst idea..." He giggles, "... but we were both looking forward to a special night so I can't help but feel bad. I ruined the moment."

"We had a special day and evening that was slightly hindered at the end. I would not say that anything was ruined... a consequence of that blip is that now I'm hornier than ever... I've been on the verge of cancelling Vogue and work and instructing Tom to take us straight home."

"You haven't though?"

"No, I haven't. I want to..." Tae's lips take on the familiar pout, "... I need you, Kookie."

Jungkook reaches up and gently cups the side of Tae's face, "I know you do... I'll make it up to you, baby. I'll have the bath ready when you get home and I'll take care of you, okay?"

Tae melts into the rear seat of the car, nodding his head slowly and moving forwards when his new husband puckers his lips.

"New agreement, tonight was always intended to be the special night so we focus on that... in our home, where sound doesn't travel..." He grins but then he lowers his voice, "... I'd prefer that you didn't make love to me because you feel bad."

Jungkook frowns hard, forehead creasing, "I would never make love to you for that reason... I love you, Tae."

"No more feeling bad? No more apologising?" he says, hopeful that Jungkook will listen but doubtful that he'll abide by it.


They were greeted by a familiar lady when they arrived at Vogue, the same one who was sweet and helpful when they had their first visit. Jungkook felt a mixture of emotions, including relief that today wouldn't be as hectic as last time, today was just the interview to finalise the information for the article. He felt some hope that the interviewer would be a different man but the dancer wasn't in the mood to have someone flirting with his husband. Jungkook might well feel well rested but he shouldn't be, he should be exhausted and tired after a night of passion and that irks him.

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