Chapter 204 - Urges

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"I'm going to run off and snap some last photos before people start leaving." Muyeol tells his boyfriend and Jungkook.

"I think Heeju said something about getting changed so if you can't find me, I'll be in our room." The model says. This was his favourite part of the day now that the formalities were over. The meal was nice with a variety of food options, all at the highest standard as he'd expect. It was nice to sit, eat and talk while music played. The speech from Tae was brief, thanking everyone for attending and people were then left to mingle and enjoy the rest of the day as they chose to.

"Okay. If I see Taehyung, I'll tell him that his husband is looking for him and I'll definitely get him to spill more tea." The photographer says with a huge grin, wiggling his white leather clad backside.

Jungkook looks at Jin, Muyeol out of earshot, "I'm not looking for Tae... and... what tea?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I denied any knowledge, would you?"

"No." Is Jungkook's immediate response, "Is this about last Saturday?"

"Yes, it is. Tae was quite liberal with information."

Jungkook sighs, "Everyone knows about the pizza?" He wills himself not to blush.

"Yeah, everyone knows a lot of stuff."

The dancer sighs again, "Great. I did expect it after Ash mentioned it. Tae was very open with the things he was saying when I picked him up."

"He didn't spill our secrets too, did he?" the model says with a grin. He doesn't really care if he did and he'd given his friend permission to tell Jungkook anything he wanted to tell him. Jin preferred not to discuss a section of his past that had a big impact on his life and explained why his friends were overly critical of partners. His relationship with Muyeol was both really easy and really difficult and the simplicity made the tough times bearable. For the most part they worked but it meant Jin having to bear his soul to the photographer who wanted to know everything... warts and all.

"No... he spilled his own secrets... if they were secrets? I don't know. It was a lot of new information for me."

"Such as? Or would you rather not share it? I'm not one for guessing games."

"You probably know it all anyway as his friend. He told me about dreams he'd had, how he didn't like his partners using pet names and he told me about a date he cancelled with a CEO after he met me."

"The guy over there?" Jin gestures with a nod of his head just to the left, behind Jungkook.

"What? What guy?" he looks to where Jin directed him and could see Seongkwan from the Paradise hotel talking to a couple of other men in suits.

"The guy to the right of Seongkwan. He's the CEO of Happy Days." the model says.

Jungkook looks again at the tall man with jet black hair and broad shoulders. "Are you sure? So, you knew about Tae dating him?"

"Was it dating? There were a few lunches and evening meals and then Tae cancelled. At the time Tae didn't say why he'd cancelled but he never did say a lot. When he showed up at the charity gala with you, we all presumed he'd decided to hire a date instead. That's how it was." Jin was used to seeing Tae with different men, they'd known that Gi-hun had eyes on him outside of business but it didn't go anywhere so no one asked.

"Lunches and evening meals? Tae said it was a second lunch date he cancelled." He didn't need more 'new' information.

"In Tae's world, he meets with loads of people, Jungkook. He has business meetings at restaurants and events, it's no big deal. Sometimes two people after a few business meetings decide to take it away from business and that's what happened there. We've all met people through work."

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