Chapter 197 - Ready?

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Have you got everything?

Your suits have arrived at the hotel and are in the rooms set up for you to get ready in the morning. As per your wishes, you are on different floors.

"Eomma says our suits are in our rooms." Tae informs his fiance, "Don't roll your eyes, Kookie."

"Well, I don't know why we can't get ready together?"

"Maybe I'm more romantic than I thought? We've seen our hanboks for our honeymoon ceremony and I wanted that special moment tomorrow afternoon when I see you for the first time."

How could Jungkook argue with that? He'd dreamed of the moment they saw each other, with their parents on either side, walking towards the central point where they meet and the ceremony starts. Those dreams were preferred to the ones highlighting his fears. Fears that he put aside now, to trust in the information from Han-Shik and if all else failed, trust in the security measures that his fiance has in place.

"It's a better compromise than spending tonight apart." He didn't get the fuss and he wasn't going to allow a Western superstition born from the 18th century when many marriages were arranged, to dictate the night before his ceremony, especially when they weren't adhering to their own customs.

Tae looked up from his phone, sitting on the edge of their bed, "You don't want to be apart from me, huh?"

Jungkook folds the t-shirt in his hands, "No, I don't and not for a reason like that. It's the night before our ceremony and I think we should be together, even more so given our agreement."

"We will be together tonight which makes our agreement the literal definition of hell... but... I have a surprise planned."

"What? You do? When?" the dancer drops the t-shirt into their small suitcase and shakes his head at the dramatic view on their pact but distracted by the mention of a surprise.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you. I felt that I wanted to do something special for you on the eve of our ceremony."

"But... why? I haven't done anything for you."

"You gifted me something that I could never match, Jungkook. "

"You didn't have to match it."

"I know and my surprise isn't really trying to match or better your dance gift. It's not connected."

Jungkook's stomach sinks a little as his mind wanders into what the surprise is. He opts for humour to help him deal with the nervousness, because this is something he assumes may make him feel uncomfortable. "If It's a birthday party, you'll have to go alone." He giggles unenthusiastically, in an anxious way.

"The surprise involves just the two of us."

"Do I get any more details?" He's partly relieved but he hadn't missed the fact that his fiance didn't deny that the surprise was linked to his birthday.

"No, Kookie... it is a surprise." Tae grins. He takes a small amount of joy from repeating Jungkook's words at him as it is usually him planning surprises but otherwise, it was nausea that sat heavily in his stomach.

I have parked close to the elevator. Do you need assistance with luggage?

"Tom is in the car park. He's asked if we need any help carrying our bags."

Jungkook zips up the small suitcase and the large overnight bag, "We are spending two nights away, we don't have that many bags."

No, thank you. We will be down soon.

"I am most excited about tomorrow night." The CEO says.

"More surprises?"

"No... just my husband making love to me in our after ceremony hotel room." Tae smiles, getting to his feet.

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