Glorp'n'going feral

Start from the beginning

"I don't know about you bro but you look a than usual-"

"N0 n0 jUst my...4-4ll3rgI3s pl4ying w1th m3.." he mentioned, pretending to sneeze and sniffle out his bloody nose. Dibby on the other hand knew he was clearly lying.

"Bro. It ain't cool to lie y'know, I'm like your buddy you can tell me what's wrong-"

"BUt 1-" infected gagged and quickly covered his mouth, trying to stay still and just shut his eyes, but that still didn't keep the acid from his stomach rise from his throat to the dirty alleyway floor, Dibby almost got hit with the contents of infecteds stomach and he backed off immediately, getting up land yelping as he saw blood being mixed in.

Dibby quickly rubbed infecteds stomach as he kept throwing up and shaking, showing a clearly concerned face "glorpeez...what did you eat!?" Dibby commented under her breath as she continued to comfort the poor infected. Hearing the store back door open to her boss, yum zlurple, calling out

"Swibbledib? Your break finished! Where- Ah! Zere you are!" They said, floating towards them and seeing the throwing up infected, it winced.

"Woah! What's up wiz zem?"

"They probably ate something rotten...I got no idea myself."

Infected didn't mind the green floating lunarian as he just tried to keep himself still, his body trembling a concerning amount

"Should I his dad or something?? Wait no I don't even know who his dad is ugh..."

"..hmmm...maybe you zhould ztay wiz zem until zey get juzt a tiny bit better zo you can azk for hiz dad, how about zat? Sa floor can wait."

"Good enough." Dibby said and smiled gratefully at Yum as it floated away back into the store, she slowly sat infected down and sat next to him, hugging him close, feeling how unusually hot he was.

"Glorp you're burning! Whatever you ate it must've done you BAD bro.."

Infected didn't reply, choosing to rather cling onto Dibby as he buried his head by the crook of her neck, Dibby blushed at the rather suddenly gesture but decided to hold him anyways, until she heard very faint..cracks? Coming from his body.

"? Uhh...what the glorp-"

Infected's breathing grew ragged and he growled, making Dibby flinch, then he pulled away to reveal his rather scrunched up and angry face, his fangs bared at dibbys shocked face


she pushed away but not before blinking at infected transforming in front of her, hiding his face as he seemed to regain some sense of embarrassment and fear. Dibby didn't say anything until he finished and raised his head, his snout almost touching Dibby face.

"Holy're like...a werewolf???" She said, her beady eyes still wide "...that's so COOL!" she exclaimed in an excited manner and cupped infecteds furry yet confused faced, rubbing it "awww you're adorable!"

Infected, rather than ravaging into Dibby in this feral state, simply just wagged his tail at the compliment and gave a slight whine.

"Hehe yeah you are! Hey I wonder if you can fetch a stick..nah I'm just playing with ya I can't even tell if you're a cat or dog! Or some other...third thing-"


The two figures flinch and immediately turned around to yum zlurple mind controlling a broom

"WHAT IZ THAT THING!? GET OUT OF MY ZTORE!!" it screamed as it flailed and flung the broom around, making infected yelp and run away "INFECTED!! ah man.." Dibby pouted, looking quite disappointed.


"yeah! He was a werewolf.......kind of...I don't know what animal he is but he's REALLY glorpin fluffy" she commented as she got up and dusted herself 

"Ah....zo like....zhould we zhaze him?"

"I think it's too late for that." Dibby sighed "and, infecteds smart, I know he'll get home safe..his apartments like a few blocks from here."

"Wait a zlorpim minute, you KNEW where he lived!?!?!?!?"




Infected ended up using all his energy to run to the alleyway between the apartment building and a random one. Crashing down slightly, panting as he felt the adrenaline leave his veins.

Yet he still felt giddy for some reason..he didn't know exactly why. He couldn't think straight after all.

Perhaps it was Dibby?


She was nice...

Infected smiled at the thought of her face.

Hey, at least they had their hangout on Thursday.

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