Holkom joined her in that contagious laughter, "Azgeda will become pacifists when the sky turns red, and the ground is blue. Your aspirations would better fit Trishanakru." She rolled her eyes and found herself gazing upon Roan once again. 

"Is he always so moody?" Astrid blurted out. That mental filter had disappeared thanks to the alcohol. 

"Not usually. Although, events like this aren't exactly his forte." Holkom shrugged his shoulders before dipping Astrid down.

"Well, I am glad somebody can at least entertain their Queen." Astrid gave Holkom a small smile, peering into those honey brown eyes. 

He leaned down to Astrid, whispering gentle in her ear despite the boisterous hall, "If you are ever in need of entertaining the King cannot provide, I would love to indulge you in my talents."

Her face grew bright red. Mouth slightly agape, unknowing what to say. Astrid's hands suddenly went shaky as her thoughts began to sober up. After blinking a few times, Astrid realized exactly what those words entailed. 

That was it. Roan had watched enough of the flirty banter between Holkom and Astrid. Her uncontrollable laughter, that bright smile, the way she looked at him. He could feel that jealousy boil in him as Holkom wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. The way her cheeks flushed when he whispered in her ear. He couldn't take it anymore. 

Roan shot up from his seat, table scuffing the floor from his brash movement. In a flash of rage, he stormed across the floor to the dancing couple. They suddenly stopped, dropping their grasp from each other as his unforeseen presence. 

"Move." Roan immediately shouldered Holkom out of the way without an explanation. But with the defensive look in Roan's eyes, neither one of them bothered to question him. It was a fight they'd both lose.

His hand fit perfectly along her waist, while the other cupped her hand. Tingles sparked through Astrid's hand as she rested it on his shoulder. From the booze or her fluttering heart, she didn't know. It felt foreign for such a rugged man to have a gentle touch.

His heart thundered in his chest as they waltzed around the dancefloor. Every step was taken with extra precaution. He had to plan each move elaborately in his to avoid the embarrassment of his potential mistakes. Ever since he was a kid, he struggled with simple moves he practiced with Tilda. Yet, it all seemed so effortless as he lost himself in those icy blue irises.  

Dancing felt natural as he travelled the floor with Astrid. He wasn't sure why, but he had a feeling it had something to do with the way she looked at him. Her smile was contagious, and for a moment, he nearly broke his stone-cold face just to smile back. But as he looked to sea of people watching them, that smile never came.

"What's wrong?" That wide smile on her face disappeared once she saw the displeasure he was having. He only shook his head, biding time to find the words to say.

"Do not start worrying about my feelings now that we are married. Though, you seem to be having a decent time." Roan slid his glance to Holkom, who was still lurking in the crowd of watchers, but she was too stubborn to let him bypass what he was truly thinking.

"Spit it out before I subject you to another dance." She threatened as he lifted their hands above her head, then spun her into a sequence of twirls. The gown flared at her feet with each spin.

"How are your feet not killing you?" Another attempt to dodge the conversation.

"Roan." She growled, lowering her eyes. "Quit stalling."

"You are not the only one with doubts about royalty." He whispered low into her ear, pulling her closer as the song changed from upbeat to a slower melody. Astrid could smell the mix of his pine and leather scent mixed with her lavender and clove.

Winwolfa (A Roan x Female OC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now