- Chapter 12 -

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- Begin Chapter -

Anomys: *trudging through the streets, hands in his nonexistent pockets* Is this how he felt? All those years ago?

*Anomys nearly trips on a pothole and is flung forward a bit. Average city complications are much worse now*

Anomys: Damn. *brushes himself off*

*Sorta lucky for him, no one was around to see him trip like a dolt.*

Anomys: Potholes are now banned.

*He takes like five steps and completely ragdolls at another one.*

Anomys: *deadpans and gets up* Alright, I see how it is. The next time I see one of you you’re gonna be more of a CRATER than you already are. You thought the demolitionists worked alone?! I HATE YOU.

*Despite seeming pissed on the outside, his expression has not changed from his blank-ish expression with white eyes*

Anomys: Whatever. *turns away and keeps walking, pulling his “hood” up*

*From what was once the lively and abundant  city, to now an absolute GHOST TOWN. Cracks everywhere, broken windows and television stands, and drops of gold. Nearly everywhere. It almost seemed like Anomys was all alone.*

Anomys: *sigh* Well, at least it isn’t-


Anomys: …raining. Anomys, shut your nonexistent mouth.

*Despite the gray and dull sky, the rain it brought almost made the atmosphere seem calmer. The soft sound of thunder and flashes of lightning shone down upon the barren city*

Anomys: …maybe it isn’t so bad. At least there’s something to listen to instead of… just… silence.

*As it begins to rain harder down, the TV's seem to be going static. Despite some of them being shattered.*

Anomys: Hm? *just listens to the static*

*The static along with the thunder both fill the vacant city area with soft noises.*

Anomys: *his eyes disappear, and he just listens to the calming white noise*

*The calming sounds go one for what feels like a few hours until a huge clap of thunder and lightning booms out of nowhere, as if it's trying to keep Anomys on his “toes”*

Anomys: *sigh* Suuure, Mom. I’ll pay attention.

*The thunder makes a low rumbling sound in response*

Anomys: *continues trudging through the storm*

*Somewhere amongst the shadows of the alleyways, it nearly seems like something, or someone, was watching him trudge pitifully along the streets*

Anomys: *singing a soft song about destruction and a civilization burning to himself*

*The feeling only seems to grow larger and more sinister as he continues his stroll. And the rain seems to be settling down as well*

Anomys: *shuts up and his eyes reappear as he looks around* Hm?

*the sounds of creepy laughter seems to come from the alleyways and even on top of buildings*

Anomys: Aaaaaand I’m surrounded, aren’t I? *facepalms and pulls down his “hood,” getting into a braced position*

*The laughter grows louder and louder before it suddenly stops. Quite abruptly actually.*

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