- Prologue -

72 2 21

-Begin Prologue-

B.C: …he’s right. I’ve been terrible. I’ve been away from my family for 8 months, and I didn’t return. I have no excuses.

C.B: And what did you learn?

B.C: …drama, discord, I hate it. I hate it all. I didn’t turn up for the final fight because I was sick but they don’t know that. I wanted to be there. But I think all the negativity I’d absorbed made me sick.

C.F: *slowly enters the room with an armful of orbs* Hey, Dad, you should check out my-

B.C: I just… I just wish everyone could be happy.

*the orbs fly into the air and scatter with a flash*

C.F: …what the hell did you just do?!


*meanwhile in sagaverse*

K.C: *reading a note sheet for her trumpet*

*the ground violently shakes under her, causing the note sheet to fall*


Bon: ?

K.C: … For the love of God.

*She snatches the note sheet and storms outside, leaving Bon alone in her room*

*Trees have been ripped up from the ground. It’s absolute chaos.*

K.C: … What kind of natural disaster happened here? And why did it have to happen here of all places.

???: And who might you be?

K.C: *She looks slightly uneasy* Uh- What the heck is this? And I'm K.C.

???: *has their back to K.C, just sitting on the ground* This is the chaos that refines a rough stone into a valuable crystal. The destruction that leads to peace. Do you understand?

K.C: *She starts to get even more uneasy and start to back away* Sort of? And who- no. WHAT are you?

???: I? I’m here to bring peace. Spread joy and mirth across the land. And you shall be my disciple. *they stand up and turn to look at K.C in the eyes*

K.C: *Starts to back away further, more worried than anything else* Whoa WHOA! What do you mean disciple?

???: Have you ever wondered at the origins of the universe? Who created the heavens and the earth?

K.C: … No? I've got too much to deal with to worry about shit like that. Now answer my question.

???: Your question will be answered in time, child.

K.C: You're weird. I don't like you. *She opens her eyes to look at the trees that have been destroyed*

???: Ah, such hate. Such distrust. There’s no need for it in a world that can achieve the state of paradise with a little… nudge.

K.C: Yeah sure. Whatever you say. You're creepy. I don't like you nor whatever you're talking about.

???: Would it interest you to know your friend called me here?

K.C: … Which one?

???: A certain unclean demon. Burn.

K.C: That LITTLE- *ahem* Oh. Okay. Sure.
Now, if you excuse me. Imma have a few WORDS with this little friend you're talking about.

???: Look at me. I want to tell you something before you depart, child.

K.C: *She looks at him, but her eyes are back to being closed* Can this maybe wait until I find him?

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