- Chapter 6 -

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- Begin Chapter -

Anomys: *tapping his foot nervously*

Mello: *Fiddling with small vines, making a braid with flowers growing out of it*

Anomys: Lookin' good, kid. *glancing out the windows* When...?

Mello: ?

Anomys: Nothing. *his mouth fades out*

Mello: *He puts the vine braid down and looks at the wall and then at the floor, his face looking a bit saddened*

Anomys: What's up? *somehow speaking without a mouth*

Mello: *He puts up two flowers the colors of B.C and K.C's clothing, squeaking in a worried tone*

Anomys: Burn and KitKat? *tilts his head*

Mello: *He nods*

Anomys: They went on a little trip. They've had some... disagreements recently and wanted to work them out.

Mello: *His expression looks more hopeful* Squeak? (Really?)

Anomys: Would I lie?

Mello: *He shakes his head and gives that same innocent smile*

Anomys: *pat pat* Wanna play a game, kid?

Mello: *He tilts his head in curiosity*

Anomys: We've got a few here. Gimme a sec. *floats into the air and heads into B.C's room*

Mello: *He looks at the window and starts to get up and walk to it*

Anomys: *floats back in with a box* I've got- Hey, get away from there. *drops the box, floats over, and gently pushes Mello away*

Mello: *He makes a confused squeak as he is dragged away*

Anomys: We're in a dangerous part of town, but if we stay away from the windows, we're fine. *shuts the blinds*

Mello: *He looks more confused but nods and sits down*

Anomys: Here. *brings up the box containing games like Uno, Mancala, Monopoly, and several others* Take your pick, kid.

Mello: *He picks up the Uno game*

Anomys: Great. Let's do it. *unpacks it and lays out the cards* Rock paper scissors?

Mello: *Taps his chin and nods*

Anomys: *prepares to throw his decision.* On three.

*long story short, Mello ends up winning*

Anomys: Drat. *his right eye transforms into the anger symbol before returning to normal*

Mello: *He claps his hands in joy*

*They proceed to play a game of Uno, which Anomys ends up losing. His mind's on other things.*

Mello: *He looks at Anomys and squeaks*

Anomys: Hm?

Mello: *He motions if he is okay*

Anomys: I'm fine, kid. Just... thinking about things.

Mello: *He blinks and smiles before tidying the cards*

Anomys: *begins to assist*

*They tidy up the cards and just sit on the couch together for a bit*

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