Chapter 4

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As I got closer, I could see him clearly: dressed in a black suit, he looked handsome and strangely familiar. I couldn't quite place where I'd seen him before, but I pushed that thought aside. I had more important things to focus on. Walking confidently, I positioned myself before him.

"Sit down!" he ordered, his voice sounding firm and commanding, devoid of any semblance of warmth.

I obeyed, handing him my documents. While he checked them, I took a good look at his face. He was definitely good-looking, with dark brown hair, bluish-green eyes, and a perfect jawline. His lips were naturally pink, and he had long eyelashes that added to his charm. I don't usually pay such close attention to people, but there was something about him that caught my eye. And then I noticed it—a small beauty mark above his left lip. I found it oddly attractive, though I couldn't say why. I tried not to stare too much, knowing he might sense it. But just as I was about to look away, it hit me.

Wait! This man... Oh my gosh, it's him! The same guy I bumped into this morning and exchanged heated words with. Oh my fractured luck why now, of all times. My luck seemed to be fractured beyond repair. I fought the urge to flee, but I knew I couldn't. So, I decided to act like I didn't recognize him.

"Azalea Taylor," he said, my name, looking straight - deep into my eyes. I tried to meet his gaze without flinching, resisting the urge to look away. Every fiber of my being urged me to look away, remembering Ava's advice I held his gaze. After all, he must have encountered countless faces today; men and their fleeting memories of people, he might have forgotten about me.

"Yes, Mr. Ed..." I halted, realizing my error. "Mr. Miller," I corrected myself internally. What's wrong with me? I was about to blurt out his full name? His full name echoed in my mind since Ava disclosed it: Eden Miller. It wouldn't be appropriate to address him by his full name, especially during an interview.

I swallowed, feeling tension constricting my throat as he stared at me with a blank expression. I mirrored his expression, keeping my thoughts to myself which was clashing in my head. The interrogation about the job commenced, and I attempted to respond to each question with a touch of originality and I tried to answer each question a little differently.

Now, here comes the most annoying question.

"Why do you want this job?" he questioned looking straight in my eyes, this eye contact was getting awkward to maintain by every passing second, as he awaited my response. I didn't wish to offer a cliché answer like - because I heard about this company very much and it is one of the best companies in California, this and that, I just wanted to keep it simple and I aimed for simplicity.

"Because I'm jobless" I blurted out. Shoot! My mind was playing tricks on me. This wasn't what I meant by simply answers, my mind was really betraying me.

"Any other reasons?" he asked very calmly with a hint of mockery in his expression,  by his looks he seemed mature, not the type to hold a grudge during an interview just because I bumped into him, I hope not, though.

"Any other motivation besides that? Miss. Taylor?" he inquired again.

After a minute of processing and a moment of contemplation, I decided to answer "I don't wish to depend on my parents and I don't want to burden this country, so it will be helpful if I get the job as soon as possible and as for the work I can work overtime because I'm used to it, I always tries my best not to be late" Why did I mention working overtime? I didn't plan to mention it, I don't know what I just blurt. He continued to stare into my eyes, and I tried my best to hold his gaze, which felt like it could break at any moment.

After an awkward silence of five minutes that felt like ages, he declared, "You're hired." What? I looked at him, puzzled. Was he joking or something?

"You're hired Miss. Taylor" he repeated, this time loud and clear.

"Thank you," I said, still confused. He stood up, and so did I.

"Well, that concludes the interview. I expect to see you at 7:30 am on Monday," he announced, walking past me.

"Yes, Mr. Miller," I responded.

I gathered my documents and purse, trailing him out of the room. He conversed with the same lady from earlier who had brought me to the office, while I stood at a distance, unable to catch their discussion. Afterward, he headed toward the elevator, while the lady approached me with a warm smile. She introduced herself as Layla, informing me that my workspace was on the 16th floor, one level below our current location, and Eden Miller would be my team leader. She provided details about the working hours and other pertinent information.

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