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The farmers were not kind. They continued to shout an array of German words at her as Lucy lay in the field, alone. Lucy couldn't understand half the words they were saying to her and to one another. They were probably berating her or saying something horrible about Americans.

That's when she heard even more distant shouts. These ones sounded deeper, angrier in a way more scary. Looking up to the men, they had doubled. Surrounding Lucy, now stood several men alongside the farmers. They all wore the same uniform. Lucy shut her eyes hoping to shut out their glares and shouts.

When she was in the plane, she wasn't scared of these people. But now that she was alone and vulnerable she felt fear course through her veins. Every time she tried to say something she was either screamed at by the men in their uniforms or her words would get lost in her throat and come out as nothing more than a shrill shriek.

In truth she didn't know how to feel and she didn't know what to do. If her brother was here, he would know what to do. He would shield her from them. But he wasn't here. Something snapped in Lucy when she thought that, when she thought of her brother.

Instantly she had scrambled to her feet and met the eyes of the German men. She glared back at them and on instinct lunged towards the nearest one. She tackled him to the ground and started hitting his face. Over and over until she felt her knuckles split. It had only been a few seconds when she was shoved off him and pinned down by her arms. But it felt good. She had made a small stand.

"I hate you." Lucy spat out to them but none knew what she had said. Even if venom laced her tone none took note of her worlds.

The men started to scream again. This time one of them went red with anger. That's when he lifted the but of the riffle in his hands and smacked her face. It all happened so quickly. Lucy fell to the floor for the second time that day. Clutching her face in pain. Then another sharp bolt of pain hit the other side. The man had kicked her face. Then everything went dark. A black storm over took Lucy and she fell down, unconscious.

When Lucy's eyes peeled back she wasn't in the farmers field anymore. The light colours of the countryside had faded away into darkness. They had been replaced by a bleak grey and brown shades. Suddenly something shook beneath Lucy making her hit her head on something cold. 

Her eyes opened further and took in her surroundings. She was on the back of a moving wagon. Lying on the cold wooden planks of the wagons floor. She groaned for a moment and pulled her weight upwards.

"Stay down." She heard somone whisper from her side.

Looking over she saw another pilot. One of which she did not recognise. He wasn't from Thorpe Abbots.

"Where am I?" Lucy mumbled in defeat. Her head was pounding and she couldn't feel her fingers. She was freezing. Her body shaking with nerves.

"In the hands of the Nazi's." The man uttered. "Some of the guys think they are taking us to a prison."

Looking around Lucy noticed the other handful of men. There was around twenty of them cramped onto the back of the wagon. The lucky ones were sat on two small benches along the sides. The unlucky ones - like Lucy and the man beside her - were on the floor.

"W-what?" She said.

"I think you're concussed." The man then said and looked at the temple of her head which was stained in the crimson substance.

"No, I'm Lucy." She replied feeling rather drowsy all of the sudden. "I'm Lucy Cleven. My brother is Gale Cleven and m-my- John is my..." she couldn't even finish her sentence before she forgot what she was even talking about. Her mind was clouded and her thoughts scrambled around like wildfire.

"Don't worry about it, Lucy. I'm Jonathon." The man, Jonathon introduced himself. "And even if you are called Lucy, you are concussed."

"John?" Lucy said and stared at the man.

"Jonathon." He corrected quickly.

Lucy nodded towards him before a subtle silence settled between them.

The pain which resided in Lucy's head was unbearable. Her skull throbbed and sent jolts of pain throughout her entire body every now and then. She decided to as Jonathon had said and stay laying down. So slowly she pressed her cheek against the hard, cold wood and shut her eyes yet again. But when she shut them she saw flash's of people in her vision.

She saw flashes of him. Flashes of John flew through her eyes. A single tear slipped down her cheek and onto the wood staining it. Her tear was red. It mixed with the splats of blood all down her face. Her hair was matted and she honestly felt like shit.

She was too lost in thought to feel the wagon come to a halt. Her eyes were closed when she felt someone grab her shoulders and lift her up. Opening them she saw Jonathon had lifted her up and supported her. He helped her down off the wagon and onto the muddy floor.

Taking in her new change of environment from the wagon to the ground again Lucy let out a shaky breath that she had been holding onto to.

They were stood beside a train track. It looked mostly abandoned except for the odd few German men stood beside the red tracks with guns in hand. They were the picture of soldiers. Everyone had filtered off the wagon and some of the men looked in worse shape than Lucy. Much worse, on the verge of death even.

Suddenly the train tracks started singing. A train was coming. A train was coming for them. To whisk them away. But it wasn't very helpful that Lucy's vision was blurry and she was currently seeing doubles of just about everything. Looking at Jonathon his head had merged into one and a further blurry figurine of his head was there was well.

"Lucy!" He shouted shaking her from her delusions. "Just focus on the sky." He told her and she listened.

She dipped her head back and stared at the sky. It looked utterly disgusting and rather diffrent from the blue skies she was used to. The German sky was covered in dark grey clouds. The sun could be he seen only the darkness of the shadowed clouds. It wasn't very helpful.

The train pulled up but it didn't look like the trains they had back home. This one didn't have metal walls and seats. It was just enclosed wooden cages with no plush seats and rows of tables.

Jonathon hauled Lucy up onto the train by her arms. They were inside, trapped as a low chatter fell around the men inside the trains locked barge. It was so cramped. It was filthy inside. Dirt all over the floor and stains of blood on the wooden panels. They weren't the first ones on this train and they definitely wouldn't be the last ones on it.

It was scary. Lucy's heart raced and her lungs expanded, her breath quickening. She was truly scared for her life and the lives of everyone inside. Were they being taken to be killed? Imprisoned? Tortured?

These thoughts shrouded her mind and only made the pain that resided in her worse. But it wasn't as bad as the pain in her heart. Her heart ached and yearned got John. Was he even alright or alive? She just wanted to be in his arms again. But he wasn't here with her.

"You'll be fine." Jonathon told her as he stared at the wound on the side of her head.

"Will I?" Lucy asked thinking of all the grief she felt.

"Yeah. You just need to be looked at by a doctor. But I doubt they'll let you see one." His words slowly got sadder and softer. "But you never know, right?"

It seemed that Jonathon was a glass half full kind of guy. Seeing as he strived to show Lucy that there was hope in such a hopeless time and place. The people surrounding them were now all silent. It would seem the fear had gotten to them too.

Some had already fallen asleep others stayed awake with their lifeless eyes boring into the wooden walls that enclosed them into this hell and kept them from feeling the rays of sun. Kept them from going home. Kept them from their loved ones. Dwindling their hopes down to nothing. Crushing their dreams.

The train honked and in a matter of moments the tracks started to scream. The train had started moving as a slow pace which gradually got faster and faster. Until eventually the train set off fully bearing its hundreds of unwilling passengers of war.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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