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CHAPTER THREE | a bombers quarrel |

The red light above the soldiers beds was what always gave them indication that a mission was going to happen. That small red light determined many things. The most troubling one being that many of the men who would see that red light, may have seen it for the last time ever.

Some of these men would not be returning from their aircraft's, or even placing their feet on the ground ever again. Flying into the skies was a risky business and not one taken lightly.

The new recruits all seemed rather exited about their first missions but after their firsts they were all begging to go home. Little did they know, they probably wouldn't.

Not unless they completed twenty five missions and then went on a press tour to show that twenty five missions could indeed be done. To give them more hope in this hopeless world.

The briefing for the mission didn't take long. Half an hour at tops. It was a quick and steady briefing that simply got them through the major details. Such as ; the navigation, bomb site and the company they'd be expecting.

It wasn't a bad mission per se, but it certainly wasn't a good one judging by the faces of the other men. Some complained, some sat still, some stayed determined and conquered their feelings leaving a stoic expression on their faces as Buck and Bucky had done.

All Lucy knew for definite was that she was going to fly her first mission today, her first real mission and she was going to land her plane, with her full crew inside, no parachutes, no crash landings.

She needed to do that for herself. She needed to prove to everyone at this camp that she could do it. She could contribute to the war. She could help win this battle against the iron first of Hitler and his filthy Nazi's.

These were all the thoughts that radiated in her mind while she slowly walked towards her B-17 bomber. Named 'Luckys baby' for quote literally no reason other than they liked the sound and Lucky was their pilot.

So far it held its name and kept the crew safe. Not to mention Lucy herself had kept the ship safe as well.

"Lucy." The girls brother shouted to her down the runway.

He was in the passenger seat of a green painted jeep. His male counterpart - John 'Bucky' Egan - was not far behind seeing as he was the one driving.

"You be careful up there today." Gale told her and reached for her shoulder giving it a light squeeze.

"I will." She replied.

The nerves weren't getting to her, yet but Lucky was sure that as soon as she entered that cockpit she would be like a ball of fire. Slowly being more, and more consumed by fear. Or a familiar feeling to fead, excitement.

"Need a ride." Bucky pulled her from walking away.

She sighed and shook her head before she continued to walk, keeping her back turned. However, the jeep slowly inched forward and matched her walking pace.

Looking to her side, there say Bucky in all his glory smirking down at her.

"Oh come on, Lucky. Don't be a stranger." He urged and eventually she caved in and climbed into the back of his jeep.

The sheepskin uniform wasn't too tight but it was getting rather stuffy as her plane neared.

"You okay?" Bucky asked staring at her through his wing mirror.

"Yes, exceptionally." Lucy replied.

Her hair was tied back into a tight ponytail to keep it out of her face but still loose strands managed to fall out and frame her face. The cars fast pace only added to this as more loose hair flung in front of her face, it was rather annoying.

cursed ➤ j.eganOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora